Home » today » News » Putin prepares for a leap: the Kremlin made an unexpected political maneuver – 2024-04-28 07:45:44

Putin prepares for a leap: the Kremlin made an unexpected political maneuver – 2024-04-28 07:45:44

/ world today news/ The poet in Russia is more than a poet. And this year’s big presidential press conference in Russia combined with the “Direct Line” with the people is much more than the sum of these two events. In March next year, Vladimir Putin will be re-elected as the President of the Russian Federation.

But the unexpected is expected: there is about a month left until GDP officially enters the presidential race

We can talk about this with the same confidence that we talk about the Earth revolving around the Sun. But there remain “technical” details, which in fact are not technical at all, but political: where, when and how VVP will announce its agreement and readiness to run for the leadership of the state for a new term, against what emotional and political background it will take place the election campaign and what percentage of votes Putin will get in the final.

For obvious reasons, the Kremlin does not talk about its strategic plans for the elections. But the first piece of the political puzzle is now at our disposal.

While in Astana with GDP, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said four important things about Putin’s “Direct Line” with the people and his traditional hours of communication with journalists.

Point one. This year, the two events will be combined in a new format. Point two. This year we will be able to enjoy this format. Point three. The Kremlin has already set the exact date. Point four. Putin’s team is not yet ready to announce that exact date.

Naturally, the Kremlin has set a date and, of course, is not yet ready to share it. The head of state and his team are guided by the political calendar. To be re-elected in March, VVP must raise his candidacy early. And the experience of past years shows that “in advance” in this case means: December at the latest.

December 6, 2017, noon, Moscow. Putin took part in the ceremony of awarding the annual All-Russian Volunteer of the Year award. One of these volunteers asks VVP a question: “Tell me, Vladimir Vladimirovich, next year, we hope, will you be with us?”

The very essence of Putin’s response: “I understand that this decision must be made in the near future, and it will be made in the near future.” This “nearest time” came in the evening of the same day. VVP at a meeting with employees of the automobile plant in Gorky: “I will raise my candidacy for the post of president of the Russian Federation.”

Let’s dive a little deeper into our modern history. 2012 election: the date of publication of the decision that Putin returns to the post of president and Medvedev moves to the post of prime minister – September 24, 2011. 2008 election: the date of publication of Medvedev’s candidacy as interim ( as it later turned out) successor to BVP was December 10, 2007. Election 2004: during the “Direct Line” with the people on December 18, 2003, Putin announced his participation in the upcoming presidential elections.

Do you now understand why the updated and combined 2023 Presidential Hotline has such important practical political significance?

And no, I’m not ready to go too far and say that what happened in 2003 will certainly happen again twenty years later. Still only a narrow circle of Kremlin residents knows how and when Putin will apply for a new six-year term. I’m ready to say one more thing: both the Hotline and the president’s big press conference are very important political tools of power. Both tools have gotten a bit boring in recent years.

The direct line format has become all too familiar. And the press conference to a large extent turned into a tribune for geeks from journalistic circles.

In an election year, both are categorically unacceptable to the authorities. This “unacceptable” is the reason for the emergence of a new format, which will become one of the elements of the VPP’s high-profile election campaign.

For Putin, it is important not only to win his fifth presidential election. It is important for him to win beautifully, convincingly, with an overwhelming majority of votes – so that none of his many enemies will question his victory.

Against the background of the continuation of the SVO and the acute conflict with part of the outside world, it is important for Putin to demonstrate: the West is pushing, Ukraine is pushing, and Russia and its president do not care.

In short, let’s be patient. The authorities have prepared many surprises for us in the coming months. And the new format of Putin’s communication with the media and the people announced by Peskov will be just one of them – nothing more.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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