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Putin Opens Voice on South China Sea, Gives Message to China

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – President Russia Vladimir Putin gave a special message to Chinese President Xi Jinping regarding the South China Sea (SCS). Putin stressed that the issue of disputes in the waters did not involve many countries.

Citing the official Russian state media, TASS, Putin said that the dispute should only be resolved by the parties to the dispute. This is believed to be aimed at the US and Europe which are currently intense in carrying out missions in these natural-rich waters.

“Regarding the South China Sea, there are indeed conflicting interests, but Russia feels the need to give all countries in the region the opportunity, without the intervention of extra-regional powers, to resolve all disputes that arise,” he said. .

“It has to be a negotiating process, that’s how we settle any argument, and I believe there is potential for that.”

Tensions in the South China Sea itself began to heat up relations between China and the United States (US). Washington frequently sends warships to carry out what it calls “freedom of navigation” missions in areas Beijing claims are its own.

Most recently, the relationship between the two became increasingly sharp when the US nuclear submarine, USS Connecticut, was reported to have had an accident, Thursday (7/10/2021). The ship claimed to be “hit” by an unidentified object while operating under SCS waters.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said the US should explain exactly where the submarine accident occurred, whether it caused a nuclear leak or polluted the environment, and whether it would affect navigation and fishing safety.

“I would like to emphasize that the root cause of the incident, which also poses a serious threat and a significant risk to regional peace and stability, is the persistent problem that the United States has posed in the South China Sea for a long time,” he said.

The South China Sea is an important route for most of the world’s commercial shipments with several countries located on the shores of the ocean such as Brunei, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. The sea is believed to be an ocean that is rich in natural products, especially oil and gas and fish.

China insists on claiming about 90% of the ocean in what it calls the “nine-dash line” which covers an area of ​​about 3.5 million square kilometers (1.4 million square miles). This claim has raised world political tensions over an open war that might occur because of this territorial conflict.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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