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Putin has no plans to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Biden asks: why does he keep talking about this topic – yqqlm

Original title: Putin has no plans to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine Biden asked: why he keeps talking about this topic

On October 27, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin attended a seminar of international foreign policy experts in Moscow, where Putin said Russia has no plans to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

The day before, Putin oversaw a Russian military nuclear exercise that tested a massive retaliatory nuclear strike. In response, US President Biden rhetorically asked that if Putin wasn’t going to use it, why did he keep talking about nuclear weapons?

RussiaPresidentPut inOn October 27 (Thursday) he said that Russia does not intend to do thisUkraineusenuclear weaponsNext, US President Biden asked in response to Putin’s latest remarks: if Putin hadn’t used itIntention, why do you keep talking about nuclear weapons? Biden sees Putin’s frequent mention of nuclear weapons as “very dangerous”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin told a meeting of international foreign policy experts on Thursday (October 27) that the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the Ukrainian battlefield is not in Russia’s interest. “We don’t think it’s necessary. It doesn’t make any sense, whether it’s political or military,” Putin said, the day after Putin personally supervised a Russian military nuclear exercise that tested a massive retaliatory nuclear strike.

Hours after Putin claimed he had no intention of using nuclear weapons, US President Biden rhetorically asked in an interview: “If he (Putin) has no intention, why does he keep talking about this (nuclear weapons)?” Why is he talking about the use of tactical nuclear weapons? Capabilities? The way he handles it is very dangerous. He can end this and leave Ukraine. “

Earlier, Putin has repeatedly threatened that Russia may resort to nuclear weapons in a war against Ukraine and stressed the possibility of Russia using nuclear capabilities in response to any potential threats from the West. In a speech last month announcing the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of reserve troops to fight in Ukraine, Putin said Moscow is ready to use nuclear weapons to defend any of its territories. Putin also accused the United States and its allies of “nuclear blackmail” by turning to “destroy” his country, Russia.

More recently, Russian officials have accused Ukraine of preparing to use a “dirty bomb”. Ukrainian officials deny this. US officials said Russia has a history of accusing other countries of doing what Moscow was willing to do, also known as a “false flag” operation.

Technically known as radioactive scattering devices, “dirty bombs” are relatively primitive explosive-style weapons that are easy to manufacture, low cost and far less dangerous, and have long been seen as potential weapons for terrorists, primarily creating panic, confusion. and anxiety from throwing radioactive fallout and smoke into the atmosphere. There are no documented attacks with dirty bombs, but there have been two failed attempts to detonate such bombs in the southern Russian province of Chechnya more than two decades ago.

Biden has repeatedly warned Russia against the use of any kind of nuclear weapon in a war against Ukraine, saying the consequences for Russia would be disastrous. While Russian officials are pushing “dirty bomb” allegations against Ukraine, they are also pushing their allegations that the US and Ukraine are jointly developing biological weapons.

Moscow has been making the allegations with little international support for months, and now Russia has drafted a Security Council resolution calling for the creation of a 15-member committee to investigate Moscow’s allegations.

United States Ambassador to the United Nations Linda. Thomas Greenfield on Wednesday (October 26) criticized Russia for spreading disinformation and wasting time at the United Nations. “I will keep my remarks brief, colleagues, because frankly this meeting is a waste of everyone’s time,” Ambassador Thomas Greenfield told the Council.

He added: “Russia has called us here again for the sole purpose of spreading disinformation. We all know that these claims are fabricated without a shred of evidence. I would even go as far as to say that the Russian delegation knew these allegations were fabricated, but they have I am still doing my best to carry out President Putin’s marching orders. ” The Russian Ambassador to the United Nations, Vasily. Nebenzia said in a press conference on Wednesday (26) that Moscow “has accumulated a large amount of data on the biological laboratory program”.

The United States said the Ukrainian lab was operating under the Biological Threat Reduction Program, which aims to improve the ability to detect and report outbreaks of dangerous pathogens before they pose a significant threat. Ambassador Thomas Greenfield told the Security Council: “The United States does not have a biological weapons program. There is no US-backed Ukrainian biological weapons laboratory. Ukraine owns and operates public health laboratory infrastructure and many try to protect themselves from infectious diseases. So does the country. “

Russia’s biological weapons allegations are also feared in the West as part of a “false flag” operation that Moscow will launch in Ukraine to counter Ukraine’s recent success in counterattacks to regain Russian-controlled territory.

British Ambassador to the United Nations Barbara. “Russia is clogging the agenda with conspiracy theories. The Russian Federation has repeatedly spread disinformation, including wild claims about dirty bombs, chemical weapons, and research on offensive organisms. How much more bullshit do we have to put up with?” Woodward told the Council. safety.Back to Sohu, see more


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