Home » today » News » Putin announces renewal of Russia’s nuclear doctrine – 2024-09-30 07:17:35

Putin announces renewal of Russia’s nuclear doctrine – 2024-09-30 07:17:35

The Russian president, Vladimir Putinannounced this Wednesday a renewal of the nuclear doctrine that will expand the type and origin of threats against which Russia could respond with nuclear weapons.

“Specialists from the Ministry of Defense, Foreign Affairs, the Security Council and other entities carried out an in-depth analysis, assessing the need to correct our approaches to the possible use of nuclear weapons. “A series of specifications for the conditions of the use of nuclear weapons was proposed,” he said during a meeting of the Russian Security Council.

The list of threats is expanded

The Russian president pointed out that “the category of States and military alliances with respect to which nuclear containment is applied was expanded, the list of military threats against which nuclear containment actions will be carried out was expanded.”

“We reserve the right to use nuclear weapons in the event of aggression against Russia y Belarus as a member of the State Union,” he indicated, noting that this includes the use of conventional weapons by the enemy that “creates a critical threat to our sovereignty.”

Agreement with Belarus

Putin He stressed that the issue has already been agreed with the Belarusian side and particularly, with the Belarusian president, Alexandr Lukashenko.

Furthermore, he pointed out that “in the renewed wording of the document, the aggression against Russia of any non-nuclear State but with the participation or support of a nuclear power will be considered a joint attack against Russia”.

“The conditions for the use of nuclear weapons by the Russia. We will value this possibility of obtaining true information about the massive takeoff of aerospace attack means and the crossing of our border by them,” he said.

Putin He specified that these are tactical or strategic aircraft, cruise missiles, hypersonic or other types.

“All amendments have been deeply analyzed and are proportional to modern military threats and risks against Russia”, he asserted.

“Extreme measure”

The Russian president stated that “the use of nuclear weapons is an extreme measure for the protection of the country’s sovereignty.”

“We have always had an extremely responsible approach to these issues, knowing well the colossal force of these weapons, we seek to strengthen the legal bases of international global stability, prevent the dispersion of nuclear weapons and their components,” he stated.

Response to the deterioration of the international situation

Russia admitted last June that it had already begun the renewal of its military and nuclear doctrines due to the deterioration of the international situation, largely due to the West’s reaction to the war in Ukraine.

Putin declared that “doctrine is a living instrument and we carefully follow what is happening in the world, around us. And we do not rule out introducing some change in this doctrine,” he said.

Until now, military doctrine contemplates the use of nuclear weapons only “in extraordinary cases”, that is, in cases where the very existence of the Russian State is threatened. EFE

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