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Putin “angry” for the destroyed bridge in Crimea, Kiev bombed again

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

A series of large explosions occurred in the Ukrainian capital, KievMonday (10/10) after the President Russia Vladimir Putin angry at the massive explosion that partially destroyed the Kerch bridge in the Crimea. Putin accused Ukraine creator of the “terrorist attack” which targeted the longest bridge in Europe.

Witnesses said thick smoke was rising in central Kiev after a large explosion was heard. So far there has been no further information on possible casualties or serious damage caused by the accident.

According to reports New York Times, the explosions occurred three times around 08:00 local time. Even so, there aren’t many details about the latest attack in the capital Kiev.


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Before the explosion in Kiev, Putin went on a rampage after part of the Kerch bridge was destroyed. Indeed, the bridge is a strategic structure for Putin because it serves as a link between Russia and Crimea, the Ukrainian territory that Moscow annexed in 2014.

“[Ledakan di jembatan Kerch adalah] acts of terrorism aimed at destroying very important civilian infrastructure, “Putin said in a video on his Instagram channel on Sunday.

He later said: “This was designed, built and ordered by the Ukrainian special services.”

Ukraine has so far not claimed responsibility for the damage to Kerch. However, some Ukrainian officials and citizens celebrated the embarrassing incident for Russia.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

Late last week, part of the bridge connecting Crimea to Russia, the Kerch Bridge, was destroyed after a tank containing fuel oil (BBM) exploded there.

According to video footage circulating on social media, the blast caused sections of the highway to collapse onto the Kerch Strait bridge and railway. The damage to the motorway was severe, two lanes leading west in two places were also paralyzed.

Other videos and photos show part of the road on the bridge falling into the water.

In addition to the physical damage, the explosion on the bridge resulted in the deaths of three people. The dead are believed to be passengers of the car that was located next to the truck.

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[Gambas:Video CNN]

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