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Pussy Riot creator launches feminist art charity auction in New York – Hola News

New York, Mar 7 (EFE).- One of the co-founders of the Russian punk group Pussy Riot, Nadya Tolokonnikova, has organized an auction of feminist art that begins this Tuesday in New York and whose proceeds go to institutions that defend reproductive rights of women, such as Planned Parenthood.

The auction, which takes place at Sotheby’s, is called “My body, my business” taking its name from one of the pieces for sale, a pink neon with the same slogan created in 2015 by the artist and activist Michele Pred, and covers about thirty works in physical and digital format (NFT, or non-fungible token).

All are signed by women artists “who use their art as a medium to defend and explore a wide range of issues related to women’s rights, including reproductive rights, gender violence, body image, representation and others,” says Sotheby’s.

Names like Marina Abramović stand out, who sells a signed copy of her face; Jenny Holzer, who offers a message on a plaque, “Go where people sleep and see if they are safe”; or Ellen Von Unwerth, with a photograph of a model reading the Financial Times naked.

Tolokonnikova herself also offers a work: a sculpture that is a candle in the shape of the “emoji” of the eggplant called “Fragile Masculinity Genesis” (The genesis of fragile masculinity) and that its buyer will have the right to light after acquiring it for a starting price between 5,000 and 7,000 dollars.

In a press release, the Russian artist said: “I spent two years in jail fighting for feminism in Russia, and it hurts me to see how reproductive rights are stolen in the US,” referring to the repeal of protection federal declaration of the right to abortion last year in the country.

As for crypto art, there are works by artists such as Olive Allen or Jen Stark, the result of collaboration with Tolokonnikova’s organization, Unicorn DAO, which collects art created by women and LGTBI people and seeks to create a feminist and “queer” support network. on Web3, according to its website.

“These artists are united in their commitment to creating art that challenges power structures, promotes gender equality, and celebrates women’s diverse experiences and perspectives,” adds Sotheby’s.

The auction, with prices starting at $1,500 and reaching a maximum of $60,000, is organized on the occasion of International Women’s Day (March 8) and will be open until March 14.

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