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Pursuing Target, PKM Pamarican Ciamis Picks Up The Target Ball for Elderly Vaccines

PKM Pamarican, Ciamis Regency, implemented a vaccine targeting the elderly at the Margajaya Village Office, Thursday (17/6/2021). Photo : Suherman/HR

News Ciamis, (harapanrakyat.com), – Pamarican Health Center Officer, Ciamis Kabupaten District, West Java, must pick up the ball to pursue the vaccine target for the elderly.

“To pursue the target, we involve the Babinsa and Babinmas of the village. They pick up the elderly to take the Covid-19 vaccination injection,” said Head of the UPTD of the Pamarican Health Center, Tata Sudinta, Thursday (17/6/2021).

Furthermore, Tata added that the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccine injection for the elderly this time was carried out at the Margajaya Village Office.

Meanwhile, the village road is quite far and heavy. Therefore, his party involved Babinsa and Babinmas to pick up the elderly who will be injecting this first stage of the vaccine.

“Those we picked up were residents whose houses were far from the village office location. The reason is, we provide vaccine injection services at one point, namely at the Margajaya Village Office,” he said.

PKM Pamarican Ciamis Continues to Disseminate Vaccines, Including Elderly Targets

According to Tata, the level of public awareness regarding vaccines is currently starting to change, although it is still relatively low.

Therefore, his party does not give up and always carries out socialization, so that people understand more and are willing to carry out vaccines.

“Alhamdulillah, although the awareness is still low, it is starting to increase. Like today, from our target of 40 people, only 50 percent attended, which is only 20 people,” he said.

Although only 20 targets have come, according to him, this has begun to increase public awareness, and enthusiasm has begun to grow.

“Hopefully, with continued socialization, people will be more aware. And we can achieve the targets, including vaccines for the elderly, as expected,” he hoped.

Tata said, previously, the level of public awareness in Pamarican District, Ciamis Regency, related to participation in the implementation of vaccination was very low. This is due to the fact that many hoax issues have led to public opinion.

“The most difficult thing is controlling the public’s trust which has been consumed by the hoax issue. This is because they are very quick to consume irresponsible news regarding the safety of vaccinations,” he said.

Therefore, PKM Pamarican never stops to continue to socialize the importance of Covid-19 vaccination.

“We are intensively conducting socialization through medical officers, village midwives to health cadres. With the hope, the stick of public awareness can be increased,” he concluded. (Suherman/R5/HR-Online)

Editor: Adi Karyanto

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