Home » Health » Purification Process for Newborn Boys: Insights from Dr. Mahmoud Al-Faqi, Professor of Pediatric Surgery

Purification Process for Newborn Boys: Insights from Dr. Mahmoud Al-Faqi, Professor of Pediatric Surgery

Fatima Yasser wrote Monday, December 25, 2023 06:00 AM

There are many statements about the process of purification for a newborn boy. Some suggest that it be performed immediately after birth, others advise after completing forty days, while others may specify that it be performed after the child reaches his first year. Here, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Faqi, Professor of Pediatric Surgery at Luxor Al-Aini Faculty of Medicine, explained the truth. This matter.

The professor of pediatric surgery confirmed that Purity process It is the removal of the thin front skin on the head of the penis, and it is preferable to perform it in the first three days of birth, or after the child reaches forty days.

He pointed out that the child’s pain sensation is weak for the first forty days, and the reason is the incompleteness of this part of the brain, so it can be performed during this period.

Mahmoud added that the purification process is a simple process, but it has some conditions to preserve the health of the newborn, the most important of which is performing a fluid analysis for the child before the operation is performed, so that he is not exposed to bleeding that puts his life in danger. At any time after performing it, this examination must be done.

He stressed that there are some standards that prevent a child from performing ritual purity, including:

– If the child suffers from congenital defects in the heart, lung, or penis.

– If the child suffers from blood thinners as shown by the analysis.

Therefore, the purification process must be postponed until the child’s condition is confirmed and he is allowed to undergo such a process.

2023-12-25 04:00:00

#pregnant #boy #time #purification #process

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