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Puppid-Velid Meteor Shower, Can Be Seen by Travelers from Indonesia


Peak phenomenon meteor Rain Puppid-Velid takes place from Tuesday (7/12) to Wednesday (8/12) and can be seen from the Indonesian sky.

Researcher at the Center for Space Science of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) BRIN, Andi Pangerang, explained that the Puppid-Velid meteor shower is a meteor shower whose radian point (the point of origin of the meteor’s appearance) is near the star Gamma Velorum (Regor).

“(Positioning in) the Vela constellation which also borders the Puppis constellation,” Andi said as quoted on the official LAPAN website, Wednesday (12/8/2021).

He said, meteor Rain it comes from the dust remnants of Comet 96P/Machholz which orbits the Sun in a 1.93 year period.

This meteor shower can be seen in the sky of Indonesia from 21.00 local time to 25 minutes before sunset with a record that the weather conditions are sunny with minimal light pollution.

The phenomenon of the Puppid-Velid meteor shower comes from the southeast to the southwest. This meteor shower has a different intensity in each region of Indonesia.

According to Andi’s notes, the intensity on Sabang Island is only 6 meteors per hour, while on Rote Island 8 meteors per hour.

Andi said the difference in the intensity of meteor showers in several parts of Indonesia occurred because the radian point culminated at an altitude of 39 degrees – 56 degrees south.

While the intensity of the meteor shower at the zenith is 10 meteors per hour.

Although it can be seen in Indonesia, weather factors and light pollution around the field of view affect the appearance of this phenomenon.

This is because the intensity of this meteor shower is directly proportional to 100 percent minus the percentage of cloud cover.

on the other hand meteor Rain Puppid-Velid is inversely proportional to the Bortle scale or a scale that shows the level of light pollution, the larger the scale, the greater the light pollution that arises.

Watch Videos “Meteor Shower Peaks That Can Be Seen Today!
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