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Puntulis: No saved concert or show can cost the life of at least one person

According to the Minister of Culture, no restriction on a saved concert or performance may be at the cost of one person’s life Nauris Puntulis (NA).

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Puntulis, after the extraordinary government meeting held on Friday, November 6, emphasized that in fact the emergency situation due to the spread of Covd-19 in Latvia already exists, while the government was left to settle the issue legally.

“We are between three sizes in the country – a pandemic, the economy and public mental health, the last two are unmatched. cost of living, “the minister stressed.

He emphasized that during the emergency situation, the population has access to cultural sites, museums, libraries, bookstores, where it will be possible to have a cultural and artistic presence without gathering.

As reported, during the emergency situation, all amateur sports events will be banned in Latvia, as well as the work of cultural places will be significantly restricted, the Cabinet of Ministers decided at an extraordinary meeting today. Work in cultural venues, exhibition venues, sports and places of religious activity may start no earlier than 6 am and end no later than 8 pm, except for sports centers, which will be open until 10 pm.

Cultural and indoor and outdoor venues, if no event is organized, must also ensure that no more than 50% of the total possible number of people is allowed at the same time, as allowed by the space and infrastructure available to visitors, visitors only individually, except for one household members, as well as a one-way flow of visitors.

For amateur art groups, including choirs, orchestras, folk music ensembles, dance groups and other folk art groups, rehearsals may only be carried out remotely, while on-site rehearsals may only be carried out individually or by persons living in the same household.

Children’s camps will be suspended for the duration of the emergency, and all sporting events will be canceled and banned, with the exception of sports competitions for adult national team athletes included in the International Olympic Sports Federation’s calendar, if they take place without spectators, as well as international and top league sports. competitions in which only adult professional athletes participate, if they take place without spectators.

An emergency situation will be declared in Latvia for the restriction of Covid-19 from Monday, November 9, to December 6.

The Cabinet of Ministers declares a state of emergency for a definite period of time, but not longer than three months. The state of emergency can be lifted by the government ahead of schedule if the threat to the state has been prevented or overcome. Depending on the type and intensity of the threat, the government may declare a state of emergency throughout the country, in a part of the country, in a part of the administrative territory.

The law envisages imposing a fine of ten to 2,000 euros on a natural person, and 140 to 5,000 euros on a legal person for violating the restrictions or prohibitions set during an emergency situation.

In accordance with the law on declaring a state of emergency, the Cabinet of Ministers decides. The Presidium of the Saeima, in its turn, must immediately include such a decision in the agenda of the sitting of the Saeima and parliamentarians must vote for it.

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