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Punish Yourself Ends Career Amidst Damning Sexual Assault Accusations

the essential Caught up by damning accusations of sexual assault especially targeting its sulphurous singer Vx, the Toulouse people of Punish Yourself, one of the most important industrial metal groups in France, announced that they would immediately end the group’s career

Finished, curtain. Punish Yourself, the legendary Toulouse industrial metal group, throws in the towel after the strong controversy affecting its singer and leader, Vx. Accusations of sexual assault, rape and unacceptable behavior: the group published a press release on social networks which takes note of these accusations and, with an honesty which does not redeem its actions but shows a real awareness, the singer accused declares having “engaged in toxic, indefensible behavior and words.

“I will not defend myself, and I do not want to be defended, this should never have happened and must never happen again, to anyone, anywhere. It’s too late to apologize; I’m sorry of everything I have caused, but my word on this subject has no interest, only that of those concerned.”

Reminder of the facts: following the publication in Médiapart of an article on sexual violence in the world of extreme music, “Ju” denounces on June 21, 2021 “grooming [prise de contact par un adulte, aux intérêts sexuels déviants, avec un mineur via Internet, NDLR] and the manipulations committed by Vx, who was then 34 years old and she was 16. The young woman received numerous messages of support and, at the beginning of July 2023, when the idea of ​​a documentary recounting the success of the Toulouse group began to be seen that day, the testimony of “Ju” began to circulate again on social networks and, on July 26, an Instagram account named “Balance Ta Scène” relayed a vast call for testimonies concerning the sulphurous singer. He then tries, alone then with his partner, to contact Ju to apologize. He suggests calling her: the young woman rejects him but suggests an exchange of emails to which the singer will not follow up.

“Farewell tour” canceled

The group, which was to leave on a “farewell tour” on October 6, then published the edifying “common testimony” of several young women who recognized “having joined the group’s forum around 2003/2006”. “It was super cool to find this community, because for a lot of us, we had trouble fitting in anywhere, except in this place where everything seemed open, fluid, free and outside the norm.”

The story of the “after parties” of the concerts, backstage or at the hotel confirms what “is no secret”: the group knows the score “sex, drugs and rock’n’roll” by heart. “Girls too drunk or drugged to give their consent, minors or just adults hunted like prey by V., pressure carefully measured by V. so that the witnesses remain silent…”

Eight appalling testimonies support these stories and a “common conclusion” calls for awareness, preventive and information actions, the creation of associations or spaces intended for the use of rooms and organizations as much as possible. as spectators.

Punish Yourself takes note of these testimonies and publishes them, while announcing that they will cancel the last dates of the tour. The group specifies that “the group’s activity is over, the merchandising will remain online and the profits will be donated to associations fighting against SGBV [Violences sexistes et sexuelles]).”

2023-10-24 00:54:20
#Accused #sexual #assault #Toulouse #hard #rock #group #Punish #scuttles

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