Home » today » Technology » Punching a black hole, the 3D space shooter “Planet Strike” will be released on Steam

Punching a black hole, the 3D space shooter “Planet Strike” will be released on Steam

The 3D pool game “Planet Strike” developed by Japanese independent game creator DanboruStudio will be launched on Steam From the creator’s point of view, players hold the moon in their white balls and push planets and stars of the solar system into the black hole with one. stroke.

Unlike traditional billiards, which is played on a flat surface on the table, “Planet Strike” changes the billiard table into a 3D sphere, and the cue becomes a fist.

The system displays the vibrational path with light, but there are other obstacles in the way, such as a “solar wind” that speeds up the planet’s motion, an “asteroid belt” that hits the field and slows it down the planet , and barrier spacecraft, etc.





Of course, real planets are different in size, and their compositions are also divided into gaseous states (such as Saturn), volatile ice-like substances (Neptune), rocky planets (Earth), etc. However, for game operations, “Planet Strike” combines everything The size and size of the planets are uniform.

This game supports online multiplayer. In addition to the zero-gravity mode, there is a nine-ball gameplay of standard billiards, and it allows players to customize the rules of the game.

The release date of “Planet Strike” has not yet been confirmed. which starts on September 26.

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