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Puma Energy Announces Tighter Sanitary Measures to Prevent Spread of Covid-19

The general manager of Puma Energy Caribe, Mario Sierra, announced that the gas station company will have stricter controls on sanitation in their jobs.

At the same time, Sierra recommended the use of the Puma Fast Pay application so that customers limit their exposure to the new coronavirus.

“In addition to the comfort that the Puma Fast Pay application previously provided you, now it gives you security. We are at a time when we all have to make some adjustments to protect ourselves and take care of our loved ones to minimize as much as possible points of infection,” he said. Mountain range.

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The general manager pointed out that prevention measures will focus on gasoline pumps, port locks, refrigerator doors and counters’ surfaces, among others.

“We have a social responsibility to contribute directly to containing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Given the situation we are facing and being able to meet the needs of our customers, all of our stations continue to operate normally to supply demand at the Island level, following the regulations established by law and avoid any contagion, “said the executive.

Finally, Sierra recommended that people go alone, keep six feet away from each other, and that they use gloves or disinfectants to minimize the possibility of contagion.

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