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Pulmonologist: COVID-19 is a disease of a thousand faces

Jakarta (ANTARA) – A pulmonary doctor at the Friendship Hospital (RS), dr. Andika Chandra Putra, PhD, Sp.P, said that COVID-19 is a disease of a thousand faces because the symptoms it causes can resemble other diseases.

“So frankly (disease) is confusing. We as clinicians, as doctors, this is confusing,” said Andika to ANTARA, contacted in Jakarta, Friday.

He said the symptoms that arise from COVID-19 are not only colds, shortness of breath and pneumonia, but also resemble symptoms of other diseases such as diarrhea, vomiting, numbness, hiccups, skin rashes, red eyes to symptoms that resemble strokes and loss of consciousness due to there is a disturbance in the brain.

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These symptoms appear because the COVID-19 receptors are not only found in the respiratory tract, but also the digestive tract, eye tract, tract in the skin to the brain, causing symptoms in the channel where the SARS-CoV-2 virus enters host cells through the Angiotensin receptors. Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE).

“We can’t differentiate between diarrhea due to bacterial infection or fungal infection or because of COVID-19. We cannot differentiate it clinically,” said Andika.

For this reason, an immediate examination is needed, either through a rapid test or rapid test, or by a swab examination or also called a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) examination to avoid the possibility of further spread.

Also read: Red eyes, hiccups and brain disorders can be symptoms of COVID-19

“So we have to do supporting examinations. Then we continue with PCR examinations to make sure (the disease) is COVID-19 or not,” he said.

Apart from avoiding the possibility of further spread, prompt examination is also important to reduce the greater health impact on infected patients.

“Think of it like a fire. If the fire is a little bit, it will be easier for us to extinguish. But when it’s a big fire, of course it’s a bit difficult for us to extinguish it. So the point is that testing is the most important. Then we do tracing, then we do treatment,” said Andika.

Also read: Pulmonologist associations: Diarrhea is a symptom of COVID-19
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