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Pulling against traffic on the A4, frontal with Johnny Carera’s car

Johnny Carera, prosecutor in the world of international cycling, was involved in a serious road accident and is now in intensive care at the Niguarda in Milan. He was traveling on the A4 towards Bergamo.

Johnny Carera, 56, prosecutor with his brother Alex of many champions, including the yellow jersey Pogacar and Nibali, was the victim of a serious car accident late in the evening of Friday 26 November. Returning from Alessandro Covi’s fan club party, around 11.40pm, at Agrate on the Milan-Venice motorway towards Bergamo where he lives, Johnny Carera was hit by a heavy vehicle traveling in the wrong direction.

The truck in the wrong direction on the A4

Two ambulances and a medical car ran to the scene in addition to the Fire Brigade of Monza, Lissone and Milan and the Traffic Police of Arcore and Seriate: the firefighters extracted the body of the 56-year-old and the doctors administered the first treatments and then transported the injured in the hospital. The driver of the truck with a Polish license plate was unharmed: the driver was still taken to the hospital for checks on the blood alcohol level.

Admitted to the Niguarda hospital in Milan in yellow code, the prosecutor was conscious but got worse during the night and is now hospitalized in Intensive Care with a reserved prognosis.

To tell what happened is the son Lorenzo in a post on Facebook in which he invites everyone to stay close to his father and not to give up. «Here I am, in the diary of the outbursts… this is Johnny’s car tonight, a long night… from the first call I received from Mom and receiving this photo that totally froze me, terrified me and stopped time. Highway in the Agrate area, Johnny was returning home proud of his work from a fan club of a dear friend of ours … athlete … Unfortunately a drunk truck driver overwhelmed my dad, tried to take him away from me and suddenly I felt like I was falling, empty: I saw my life go by in the blink of an eye, I sat down thinking I had lost everything, yes, because my dad is my everything! But anyone who knows him knows how damn bad Johnny can be. With a bit of luck, his teachings and his determination we will once again come out strong with our heads held high. Now he is in intensive care, in a pharmacological coma, intubated, with a punctured lung, broken collarbone and ribs … Come on Johnny Carera !!! Come on dad! I need you, you are my strength. Do not give up”.

Carera lives between Sorisole and Como with his wife and three children.

Otto years ago a similar incident saw Alex, his brother, as the protagonist
. Alex remembers it in a post on Instagram: «You always want to beat me! I have a bad accident on the freeway and you have an even bigger one. You are the person I respect most in the world, now show me that you are stronger than me, fight, fight and get out of this mess right away “.


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