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Puerto Rico condemns Washington’s coup maneuvers in Honduras

“(We condemn) the criminal intervention of the United States government in the sister Republic of Honduras,” the Puerto Rican organization stated in statements issued by its president, Gerardo Lugo Segarra, and its secretary general, José R. Castillo Morales.

Leaders of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party believe that Washington is thus trying to apply “its classic recipe” by designing, paying for and developing a new coup d’état, this time against the constitutional government of Xiomara Castro.

The political organization, which has as its historical reference having been led by Pedro Albizu Campos, martyr of the Puerto Rican independence struggle, stated that “the brave Honduran resistance managed to recover with great sacrifice, after the painful coup committed in 2009” against then-president Manuel Celaya.

“We strongly condemn the interference of the Yankee embassy in Honduras, which with the complicity of corporate, national and international media, seeks to put the peace and security of the Republic at risk, to overthrow its democratic socialist government and subject it to their interests,” said the Puerto Rican organization in statements sent to Prensa Latina in San Juan.

He added that Puerto Rican nationalists stand in solidarity with the government of the Partido Libre of Honduras and its president, Xiomara Castro, and urge the international community to prevent the enemies of the world and their lackeys, traitors and traitors from prevailing with lies over the will and sovereignty of the free nations of our America.


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