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Puerto Real will join in the February plenary session to celebrate World Cancer Day

Next Thursday the 3rd, during the Ordinary Plenary Session corresponding to the month of February, a proposal from the Mayor’s Office-Presidency of institutional support for the Spanish Association against Cancer, on the accession of the Municipality of Puerto Real to the agreement to hold the World Cancer Day which is commemorated every February 4 and whose objective, for this year, is to make it visible that all people have the same opportunities for the prevention and fight against this disease, as well as for access to advances in the results of their research.

Given the inequalities in the prevention and treatment of cancer, an agreement has been drawn up for the entire national territory that requests that cancer does not cause poverty in the most vulnerable patients, that no one stays undiagnosed as a consequence of any crisis and that all people can access screening programs to diagnose cancer early.

Added to these requests is that all patients have equal access to research results, as well as that both patients and relatives have access to psychological treatment specialized to face fear and reduce the feeling of unwanted loneliness. Finally, the proposal that will be taken to plenary session includes the request that the entire population have the same facility in making healthy decisions to prevent up to 50% of cancer cases.

the mayor, Elena Amaya, hopes to have the support of all the municipal groups, understanding the request of the Spanish Association against Cancer and his defense that “we must work from unity, all of Spanish society, to eliminate the inequities that exist in the fight against this disease.” From the entity it is reported that in Spain not all people access screening programs, to the treatments already the research results Under the same conditions. In screenings of breast cancer, he exposes, there has been a notable advance, but nevertheless, in those of colon the coverage is uneven. Access to radiotherapy services is another example of inequity as this vital treatment It is not the same throughout the territory, so there are patients who assume a greater economic, social and emotional cost to be able to access it.

between patients and families, inequalities are evident. The diagnosis of cancer is associated with a threat to health with repercussions in all spheres of the sick person and their families. These consequences are significantly modulated depending on the situation in which the person is when diagnosed. Undoubtedly, their socio-occupational situation at the time of diagnosis determines the consequences that the disease will have. It is estimated that 10% of those diagnosed in Spain in 2020 had a situation of socioeconomic risk at the time of its diagnosis, or it has generated this risk with its appearance.

One 30% of diagnosed patients have disorders such as anxiety or depression, and in our country, insufficient or no coverage is offered in specialized psychological treatment. The pandemic increased the emotional impact and in 2020, 41% of cancer patients developed anxiety or depression. Regarding the social impact, during confinement almost 20% of the population with cancer had seriously worsened their economic situation. In November, 17% of the population with cancer had not recovered. 40% of patients are experiencing a situation of unwanted loneliness. This sensation is the difference between the social contact that the sick person would like to have and the one that they actually have.

Faced with this situation, the Spanish Association Against Cancer requests the union of the whole society to eliminate the differences in the face of this disease, expressing the adherence of the institutions to the Agreement.

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