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Puebla City Council delivers books to girls, boys and young people of the Federal Master colony

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Municipal authorities, led by the mayor, Claudia Rivera Vivanco, delivered 350 books and magazines to girls, boys and young people in the Maestro Federal neighborhood, in order to encourage the habit of reading.

It was an action to disseminate copies of diverse literature; from local history, culture, poetry and contemporary narrative.

“One of the strategies that is being implemented at the national level is the promotion of our culture, through reading, to motivate us to recognize our history and interpret it. […] the approach to books should be a voluntary experience to achieve enrichment, changes of mentality and conscience, “said the Municipal President in the ceremony.

In total, 50 packages with three magazines and four books were delivered to the local girls, boys and adolescents.

Among the copies that were given away, we can highlight “From Catholic Puebla to diverse Puebla”, by María Guadalupe Chávez Camarena, “Here we live with a hand on our throats”, by César Bringas; “From the water avenues to the asphalt river”, by Rubens Oliveira; “I give you my cardboard moon”, by Gerardo Horacio Porcayo; and “Women in stoves, inns and restaurants”, by Carolina Zenteno Roldán.

Also, titles from the 21 to 21 collection — a project of the Fondo de Cultura Económica and the Government of Mexico — and different editions of the Cuetlaxcoapan magazine were shared.

These publications were donated by the Management of the Historic Center, the Municipal Institute of Art and Culture of Puebla, the Municipal Historical Archive and the Ministry of Welfare.

Participants in this event were Verónica Balbuena Rosas, Director of Citizen Services for the Presidency; Gerardo Ismael Oviedo Aguilar, director of the Municipal Institute of Art and Culture of Puebla; Manuel Alejandro Hernández Maimone, director of the Historical Municipal General Archive; Algeria Arriaga García, alternate municipal president; Ana Laura Martínez Escobar and Jorge Othón Chávez Palma, representing the members of the Building Body; Eloísa Vivanco Esquide. President of the National Commission of Honesty and Justice of Morena; as well as Adriana Valero Dávila, president of the Federal Master colony.

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