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Pūce and Jaunups urging the Riga City Council faction to exclude the troublemaker Mičerevski

When justifying the use of the parking permit of the Riga City Council, Pūce becomes entangled in lies, due to which he was forced to resign from the position of the Minister. Therefore, tensions are expected both in the Saeima faction of the HR, where Pūce plans to return, and in the Riga City Council (RD), where LA would like to achieve the expulsion of Mičerevskis from the AP and “Progressive” factions.

The Latvian television program “de facto” reports that the “Progressive” members in the RD faction are in no hurry to oppose the now non-partisan deputy, which Jaunups has also asked to exclude Mayor Mārtiņš Staķis.

Mičerevskis announced a video released a week ago that he was leaving the party “For the Development of Latvia”. He does not accept one person’s attempts to market additional influence through the defense campaign of the Minister of Health Ilze Ņķele (AP) on social networks. In the video, Mičerevskis did not name this person, but later admitted that he was talking about Jaunup, a member of the LA board, who wanted to realize some interests in the Riga City Council. Its leader Staķis is the Nike-party “Movement For!” member. Mičerevskis believes that Jaunups hoped to provide support to Staķis.

“That’s how it works on all fronts. And I think that if you can’t get some jobs, you will definitely try some small crickets, some thousands for some organizations, maybe a basketball club, maybe a society … It’s definitely will happen. These posts too – it’s not just [Rīgas pilsētas] the position of the Executive Director. These are jobs, they are seen as the main meaning that is there. If new jobs open, then maybe a good friend or relative can talk there … ”says former LA board member Mičerevskis about the possible interests of Jaunupa.

Mičerevskis has concluded from the fact that Jaunups has been curating the appointment of party people from his experience – when he was transferred from the office of the Minister of Defense Artis Pabriks to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (MEPRD) under Juris Pūce. “Its relocation is, in fact, a very good example of how such parties work. Simply called Edgars Jaunups and said: “Nothing will change for you, you will move to Juris, it will be even cooler.” At that moment, I didn’t mean to fight for that place, I also moved to Juris and tried to work there with the best conscience, ”says Mičerevskis.

He also has the impression that “no other party has a party that is basically led by one person, Edgars Jaunups, and the ministers or board members (..) have the feeling that it is just a signboard.”

Jaunups “de facto” claims that Micherevsky spreads lies in his public statements and interviews. He has no private interests in the Riga City Council, moreover, Jaunups has now focused on next year’s municipal elections in the new counties. On the other hand, Jaunups has often remained in the minority with his opinion in the LA board – also in matters important to him. “I am involved in party-related processes – yes, of course. I am a board member of both the association and the party and the like. It’s true. Sometimes it is necessary to deal with personnel issues, including and the like. I do not rule out. Sometimes I need to consult, sometimes I go with a proposal myself and so on. That is all true, I have never denied it. But to talk about some decisive or, as they say, unique influence of mine – there is no basis for that, ”says Jaunups.

Other prominent LA politicians praise Jaunupu, but deny that he would have a special role in the party. “Edgars Jaunups is a member of the board and accordingly works in politics. He is knowledgeable, he has experience, well, so there are people who think that his influence is different from others, ”says Mārtiņš Bondars, Member of the Party Board, Member of the Saeima. Juris Pūce, Chairman of the Party Board, emphasizes: “I fully trust Edgars Jaunups. I have known him for a very long time and I have a long experience of cooperation. In politics, in fact, we have been working with him for the development of Latvia from day one. I have felt his shoulder and support in all matters on a daily basis. I have no reason not to trust him. I think he is a very competent, very strong, honest politician. “

However, the events that last week also speak in favor of the version that Jaunups is especially active behind the scenes in important moments. Rejecting the question about his disagreements with the mayor of Riga, Jaunups himself “de facto” said that he had met with Staķis in pairs this week and the two had talked very successfully about the “challenges of the union”. Stak does not deny that such a meeting has taken place, but says about its content: “Although the specific meeting took place in person, I myself applied for this meeting to discuss this situation with the statement of Māris Mičerevsks.”

Asked whether Jaunups had expressed the opinion that Mičerevskis would no longer have a place in the RD faction, Staķis confirms this: “And I also pointed out that this is a joint decision of the faction, we have our own statute, which also stipulates how we act in such situations. The political group must listen from the beginning and then take a decision. None of these processes have been done yet, we have not yet evaluated, we have not heard Māris. ”

Just before the “de facto” interview on Thursday night, Stack participated in a remote “Movement For!” at an extraordinary board meeting. In it, the mayor of Riga informed the party members about the findings of the Riga City Council inspection – Minister Pūce is not telling the truth, saying that he does not use the parking permit issued to the deputy of the Riga City Council. It has also been announced for the “Development of Latvia”.

In the interview “de facto”, the head of LA Pūce stated that he had considered resignation since Wednesday evening.

Although Mičerevskis drew the public’s attention to the “Rīgas satiksme” passes used by Pūce, the former Minister of MEPRD claims that he is resigning not because of the statements of the Riga thinker, but because of the untruths expressed by him. However, Mičerevskis should not stay in the RD faction, Pūce thinks: “Personally, I believe that he should leave. In principle, I would do it myself, because after, for example, naming some of his group members there as puppets or something, I do not know how he intends to work with them in the future. (..) I spoke to Mārtiņš Staķis on this issue several days ago, personally asking his opinion on what he should do and expressing his opinion. It is a normal situation in my opinion that I express my opinion, including being the co-chairman of the association, from which Mārtiņš Staķis has become the mayor of Riga. ”

Mārtiņš Kossovičs, the leader of the RD faction from the Progressive party, has also received such calls from the LA, who emphasizes: “But as the leader of the faction today, I can say that I see no reason why this issue should be put on the agenda. What I see is that all Members, in fact, from several of our parties, want to hear Māris Mičerevskis. These facts, which he tells, should be uttered directly. (..) He is currently talking about what has happened inside his party. And the “Progressive” has a clear message: if there were any such actions, attempts to influence decisions in the mayor’s office, in the faction, it would be our red line, which we would not cross. “

Mičerevskis had published on Twitter correspondence with Pūce, in which the former minister requested a Mičerevsk pass and stated that he had previously used passes provided by former Riga councilor and his adviser Andris Bačkurs (LA), and later by the Riga City Interim Administration. The owl confirmed that the correspondence was real, but added that it was an obvious joke. Mitcherevsky responded with a sarcastic record listing things that might still have been a joke, mentioning the Butterfly talks.

This probably refers to the fixed conversations of the KNAB in the recreation complex “Taureņi” in Babīte, which was used as a meeting place by the entrepreneur Māris Martinsons, who is suspected or accused in several criminal proceedings. Unofficially, information has been circulating for some years now that Jaunups, who previously worked in the basketball club “VEF Rīga” together with Martinson, could also take part in these talks.

Asked about the “de facto” question about whether the party ever talked about “Butterflies” talks, Jaunups states that “there are no such” Butterflies “talks.” After a while, he clarifies: “No, maybe there are some. (..) But let’s not talk about what should be talked about, in my context. I do not know any. It can not be. If you ask me if I’ve ever been to the Butterfly Bath – yes, I have been. Monkey. ”

Asked if he would move with Martinson, Jaunups answered evasively: “I say once again: I have been there to wake up in my private time. There have been different people there. If you ask me if there have ever been professional negotiations about work – no. ”

Jaunups also denies that he has lobbied in any way for the interests of the sponsors of the VEF Rīga basketball club – companies have always supported only basketball and nothing else. In addition, Jaunups emphasizes that he has not been the president of VEF Rīga for two months now. At the press conference where it was announced, the politician said that he would continue to help the team as much as he could – both with advice and attracting funding.

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Meanwhile, after hearing Mitcherevsky, the AP-“Progressive” faction of the Riga City Council concluded that there was no reason to raise the issue of his exclusion. Mitcherevsky assured the faction that he had no plans to join any competing political forces for at least the next two years. The deputy has also stated to his faction members that in this term of the Riga City Council he does not see any external influence on the faction or the mayor’s office, the leader of the faction Kossovičs told “de facto”.

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