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“Publishing Media Group Holds Work Meeting on Learning and Implementing Xi Jinping’s Socialist Thought”

News from this site On May 5, the Publishing Media Group held a work meeting of the Office of the Education Leading Group on the Theme of Learning and Implementing Xi Jinping’s Socialist Thought with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Tu Shuming, Secretary of the Party Committee and head of the Theme Education Leading Group, attended the meeting and gave a mobilization speech. Deputy General Manager , Li Danying, director of the Theme Education Leading Group Office, presided over the meeting.

Tu Shuming pointed out that this meeting is a re-mobilization, redeployment, re-emphasis and refinement, re-implementation and re-promotion of the theme education. First, we must improve our position, attach great importance to it, take the lead in deeply understanding the significance and goal requirements of carrying out theme education, enhance political awareness, ideological awareness, and action awareness, and carry out theme education with high standards and high quality; Second, we must pay attention to integration and make overall plans , combine the development of theme education with the promotion of publishing and media business work, and do a good job in the follow-up rectification of the Ministry of Inspection “Looking Back” and the launch of two special actions. Promote and ensure that the theme education achieves the desired effect.

The meeting emphasized that the development of theme education is a major political task, and it must be carefully organized and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the ministry’s party group, and vigorously and effectively promoted. On the basis of being subdivided into a comprehensive coordination group, an information publicity group, and a research and supervision group, the members of the office must not only divide responsibilities but also unite and cooperate, and work together to promote the implementation of various specific tasks of thematic education.

At the meeting, the spirit of the group’s “Implementation Plan for In-depth Study and Implementation of the Theme Education of Xi Jinping’s New Era Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” and “The Implementation Plan for Daxing Investigation and Research” was conveyed, and the theme education leading group and the division of responsibilities of the office were introduced.

All members of the Group Theme Education Leading Group Office attended the meeting.

2023-05-06 07:40:00
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