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Public Service Day: Baden-Württemberg.de

June 23, 2021 is the 18th International Public Service Day. In Baden-Württemberg, around 600,000 people in the public sector make an important contribution to the common good. Unfortunately, thanks for this valuable work are becoming increasingly rare and the attacks are increasing.

This Wednesday, June 23, 2021 is International Public Service Day. The Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Thomas Strobl explains: “My thanks go – not only, but especially – to the public service employees today: for their commitment and their commitment to the good of all of us. You deserve the utmost respect. It annoys me all the more when public service workers are not only denied recognition for their commitment, but are also increasingly exposed to hostility and even violence. Police officers in particular are now frequently confronted with violence and their authority is being called into question. Throwing bottles against emergency services and a lack of moral courage from uninvolved witnesses are unfortunately no longer a rarity. In every uniform there is a daughter, a son, a mother or a father who want to make our society a little safer with their work. “

Public service encompasses a wide range of work

June 23, 2021 marks the 18th anniversary of International Public Service Day (United Nations Public Service Day). This was established in 2003 by the United Nations, among other things, to honor the work of people who work in the public sector. In Baden-Württemberg it stands for the work of around 600,000 people who work in very different areas in the state’s public service. They ensure safety around the clock, help in emergencies, look after children, care for the sick, maintain and improve the infrastructure and create the framework conditions for jobs and prosperity. You work every day to ensure that our everyday life works. A lot is demanded of them, especially, but not only, in times of pandemic.

Assaults are not uncommon

The Police crime statistics shows a new maximum number of crimes for the past year 2020 in which police officers were victims of acts of violence. The crimes against rescue workers and the fire brigade are also at a persistently worrying level. But other public service employees, such as teachers, employees of job centers, citizens’ offices, driver’s license offices or municipal elected officials are increasingly exposed to insults, threats and even physical attacks.

“Violence, whatever form, against public service workers is unacceptable. An attack on them is also an attack on us, on our democratic values, on the foundation of our community. We will act resolutely against this and stand by public service workers. In order to support civil servants who have been victims of acts of violence, Baden-Württemberg has, for example, created a regulation for the assumption of compensation for pain and suffering, which in this constellation in a federal-state comparison with the most comprehensive application of the employer’s duty of care towards those affected “, Emphasized Minister Thomas Strobl.

Central Office for Local Crime

In addition, the country is also active preventive. Violence against employees in the public service is one of the main focuses of the joint ventures established last yearCentral Office for Local Crime Prevention, whose office is located in the Ministry of the Interior, for Digitization and Local Authorities. Cross-departmental and together with other actors like the Local regional associations or trade union umbrella organizations, among other things, the overview of the problem situation is to be sharpened and new concepts and measures for the prevention of violence against employees in the public sector are to be developed.

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