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Public Media Information Dresden Police Headquarters No. 505 | 22

Authors: Marko Laske (ml), Stefan Grohme (sg), Lukas Reumund (lr), Uwe Hofmann (uh)

State capital Dresden

The driver fled on foot after the car accident – called a witness

Time: 18.09.2022, 19:10
Location: historic center of Dresden

An unknown driver left his damaged car after a traffic accident at Pirnaischer Platz on Sunday evening and fled on foot.

The unknown was with a Porsche 911 in the straight left lane from the direction of Carolabrücke. A previously unknown Audi pulled up to his right. When the light turned green, both drivers accelerated their cars. The Porsche then skidded and initially hit the left curb several times. Several people waiting for a pedestrian crossing had to step aside. At the end of the intersection, the Porsche finally hit the curb of a bus stop on the right side of the road and stopped. The driver and the unknown Audi fled from the crash site. The Porsche suffered material damage for around 4,000 euros. Nobody got hurt.

The police are investigating illegal car racing and road accidents and are looking for witnesses who can provide information about the people involved or who have been endangered by their driving style. The Dresden Police Headquarters receives suggestions on (0351) 483 22 33. (sg)

The automatic ticket office exploded

Time: 09/19/2022, around 00:40
Location: Dresden-Strehlen

Last night, strangers blew up an automatic ticket machine at the ‘Wasaplatz’ tram stop in Lockwitzer Straße. The authors lit fireworks in the dispensing chute, damaging the machine. The authors received no money. The property damage caused is unknown. (ml)

Burglary in a commercial building: the perpetrators fled without loot

Time: 18.09.2022, 07:30
Location: Dresden-Zschertnitz

Strangers tried to break into an office and commercial building on Paradiesstrasse on Sunday morning. The authors opened an access door and gained access to the atrium. There they tried to open another door, but were obviously disturbed and fled. Property damage of approximately 150 euros. Apparently nothing was stolen. (sg)

Meissen district

offended police officers

Time: 16.09.2022, 14:10
Location: Riesa

On Friday afternoon, a 40-year-old man insulted and spat on police officers at the Riesa train station.

The 40-year-old was on the train without a valid ticket and refused to provide his personal details. When alarmed officials checked him and wanted to establish his identity, he reacted. He also constantly insulted police officers and spat on an officer. During the crime he was under the influence of alcohol with about 0.7 per thousand.

In addition to having obtained fraudulent advantages, the German is also under investigation for resistance to the police, assaults and insults. (from left to right)

Driven to the end of the traffic jam with 1.9 per thousand

Time: 16.09.2022, 16:50
Location: Nossen, A 4

Police are investigating a 43-year-old for endangering road traffic and falling on the street.

The man was driving a Ford C-Max on the A4 towards Dresden. At the peak of the Nossen interchange, he got into a Mercedes E-Class (driver 48) at the end of a traffic jam. Property damage for approximately € 14,000. The Ford driver then drove on without fulfilling his duties. Alerted police officers found Ford in the Dresdner Tor service area. An alcohol test on the driver showed a value of around 1.9 per thousand.

Officials ordered the blood draw and filed criminal charges against the 43-year-old Pole. (sg)

stolen scooter

Time: from 17/09/2022 23:55 to 18/09/2022 04:30
Location: Zeithain

Strangers stole a white Simson S 51 from a property on the main road Sunday night. The perpetrators used force to open the property’s gate and stole the moped, which was padlocked and was worth around 2,000 euros. (from left to right)

District of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Mountains

Drunk seat driver stopped

Time: 17.09.2022, 07:45
Location: Pirna-Copitz

On Saturday morning, police officers stopped a Seat driver (28) who was under the influence of alcohol on Walter-Richter-Strasse.

A test as part of a traffic control resulted in a value of around 1.8 per thousand. Officials ordered the blood draw, obtained the driver’s license of the 28-year-old German and reported drunk driving. (sg)

Driving a moped without a license

Time: 18.09.2022, 20:35
Location: Neustadt in Saxony

The agents of the Sebnitz police station stopped a moped driver (37) who was driving without a license on Sunday evening. The 37-year-old German was unable to produce his license during a check on Wilhelm-Kaulish-Strasse. He is now accused of driving without a license. (sg)

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