Home » Health » Public Hospital Presidents Call for Regulation of Temporary Medical Work

Public Hospital Presidents Call for Regulation of Temporary Medical Work

Here is their platform. “After years of crises of all kinds which culminated with Covid-19, public hospitals absolutely must be strengthened in order to continue to fulfill their fundamental mission: to ensure equal access to excellent care for everyone, without condition of resources, at any time and anywhere in the territory.

This presupposes improving the working conditions of professionals, increasing funding for investment and recruitment, and strengthening solidarity between all health actors. This also presupposes being able to better organize and regulate our health system. As such, the entry into force of the medical interim framework on April 3 will serve as a test of our collective ability to rebuild it. As it stands, and while a legal rate for temporary work has existed since 2016, capped at 1,170 euros per twenty-four hours, public hospitals are often forced to pay well beyond that, the price can reach more than 4,000 euros on certain days.

Tensions between temporary workers and hospital workers

Caught between the need to maintain access to care at all costs and an indecent price escalation, public hospitals are therefore seeing tensions arise between overpaid temporary workers and hospital workers whose specific constraints and investment are not rightly valued. An FHF survey conducted in October 2022 reveals that 80% of public hospitals are forced to derogate from the legal ceiling to recruit temporary workers. Result: a cost for the hospital and public finances which has tripled in ten years to reach 1.5 billion euros and situations harmful to team cohesion. How could a doctor hired at the hospital tolerate that a temporary worker sometimes earns in two or three days the equivalent of his monthly salary?

This situation is unacceptable. It weakens hospital medical teams and accelerates the flight of talent. Moreover, this unreasonable use of temporary workers does not allow the construction of any service policy, which is central to the quality of care delivered to our fellow citizens. We, doctors and presidents of medical commissions of establishments, general managers of university hospital centers and directors of hospital centers, call for finally applying the framework of the medical interim, without giving in to threats, like the Minister of Health and Prevention is committed to it. And this, in a strictly identical way at any point of the territory.

It is likely that enforcement will involve turbulence for a few weeks as the market regulates itself back to acceptable practices. Until then, the challenge is to collectively finalize the organizations necessary to maintain the response to the health needs of the population, in particular maternity wards, emergency and anesthesia services.

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Reinjected the regulation of temporary work into a revaluation of practitioners

This is why we warn of three essential prerequisites for the success of this reform.

First, plans for the continuity and permanence of care must be provided for in each territory, under the aegis of the regional health agencies. In practice, when care services find themselves in difficulty, it is necessary to be able to anticipate clearly in a principle of territorial solidarity.

Secondly, if it is not directly affected by the Rist law, it is essential that private hospitalization assumes its responsibilities and shows solidarity with the public hospital, by participating in on-call duty and the operation of services under strain. We are all financed by contributions from the French: let’s work together, for them!

Finally, we ask that all the savings made by the regulation of medical temporary work be reinjected now into a significant increase in the remuneration of practitioners, in particular at night, on weekends and on public holidays, as well as in the improvement of their working conditions in order to meet the challenge of the attractiveness of the public hospital.

Reduced to decent levels, temporary work has for many years fulfilled a useful function to replace occasional absences from hospital. By stopping its most unbearable excesses, we have before us the opportunity to put an end to a system of predation of the public hospital service to which the French are attached. »

Presidents of national conferences

  • Dr Thierry GODEAU, President of the Conference of Presidents of Medical Commissions of Hospital Center Establishments
  • Philippe EL SAÏR, President of the Conference of General Managers of University Hospital Centers
  • Francis SAINT-HUBERT, President of the National Conference of Hospital Center Directors
  • Pr Rémi SALOMON, President of the Conference of Presidents of Medical Commissions of University Hospital Centers
  • Dr Christophe SCHMITT, President of the Conference of Presidents of Medical Commissions of Specialized Hospital Centers

Presidents of regional conferences of CME presidents of hospital centers

  • Dr Alexandre BERTELOOT, President of the Hauts de France Regional Conference of CH PCMEs
  • Dr Raphael BRILLAND, President of the AuRA Regional Conference (Auvergne-Rhône/Alpes) of PCMEs in CH
  • Dr Armelle COURTOIS, President of the Pays de Loire Regional Conference of PCMEs in CH
  • Dr Luc DALMASSO, President of the Center – Loire Valley Regional Conference of CH PCMEs
  • Dr Daniel DEBATTY, President of the Burgundy/Franche Comté Regional Conference of CH PCMEs
  • Dr Edouard DEVAUD, President of the Ile de France Regional Conference of CH PCMEs
  • Dr Rachid DEKKAK, President of the Ultra Marines Regional Conference of PCMEs in CH
  • Dr Jean-Marc FAUCHEUX, President of the New Aquitaine Regional Conference of PCMEs in CH
  • Dr Alain FUSEAU, President of the Normandy Regional Conference of CH PCMEs
  • Dr Pascal HUTIN, President of the Brittany Regional Conference of CH PCMEs
  • Dr David MESTERY, President of the Occitania Regional Conference of PCMEs in CH
  • Dr Jean-Marc MINGUET, president of the PACA (Provence-Alpes-Côte-D’azur) / Corsica Regional Conference of CH PCMEs
  • Dr David PINEY, President of the Grand Est Regional Conference of CH PCMEs

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