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Public hospital in crisis: caregivers from Mayenne demonstrate in Nantes at the call of FO

There were around 110 people gathered in front of the gates of the Loire-Atlantique prefecture late Thursday morning, August 22. A gathering organized at the end of a meeting with State services and the Regional Health Agency from Pays de la Loire. Hospital unions continue to denounce the lack of resources, and are asking for more support following another complicated summer in emergency services.

Several times during the summer period, the unions denounced tense situations in hospital corridors, particularly in Mayenne or in Nantes, where Force Ouvrière reported the death of four patients in emergency rooms in the space of a few weeks. A press release in which the union saw a link with the difficulties related to the lack of personnel. The hospital management has formally denied this figure. It acknowledges only one patient death, and he had been seen by a doctor.

Summer is always a complicated time at the CHU because he has to deal with 30% fewer doctors. But the problem, for FO Santé, also lies in the lack of hospital beds. The union is demanding the reopening of 120 beds.

Request hitherto unfulfilled: the government is ” blind “, according to one of the unionists present at the meeting and the professionals can’t take it anymore, underlines Sébastien Lardeux, departmental secretary of FO in Mayenne: “There is a lack of visibility. When are we going to find solutions, find beds, find enough nurses, find efficient equipment? We have increasingly detestable working conditions and behind this is the health of patients.”

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