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Public health: progress in the structuring of health insurance

Universal health insurance is a form of social protection, from a health point of view, making it possible to insure an individual facing financial risks of care in the event of illness, especially when the affection deprives him of work. “The validation of the basket of care to be covered, the definition of the rate and amounts of contributions according to the categories of contributors, the identification of health facilities ready to welcome the insured, the definition of the pricing of medical and care acts” are among the advances mentioned by the President of the Republic.

We also note the establishment, with banking institutions, of a mechanism dedicated to securing revenue, renewing stocks of drugs and laboratory reagents and acquiring medico-technical equipment. In the coming days, a contract will be concluded with a private partner to guarantee the permanence of financial resources, underlined President Denis Sassou N’Guesso.

To tell the truth, the momentum taken by the public authorities should lead to the establishment of universal health insurance since 2020. Only, that year, the financial difficulties experienced by the country, with the fall in prices. oil, as well as the health crisis due to covid-19, slowed down the process. The efforts being redirected towards the management of the pandemic which, until then, remains an equation with several unknowns.

Covid-19, in fact, had a double impact on the establishment of universal health insurance: it slowed down the progress of the initiative, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, it slowed down. is profitable because certain adjustments made in health facilities for the management of the pandemic contribute to the improvement of the care baskets retained within the framework of the said insurance. Also, the revitalization of the fifty-two health districts underway, the operationalization of the general hospitals of Djiri in Brazzaville and Ngoyo in Kouilou which contribute to increasing the supply of care also obey the need to set up, in a effective, universal health insurance.

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