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Public expenditure on culture in 2017: 11.4 billion euros for theater, music, museums and the like

138 euros per capita public expenditure on culture – share of gross domestic product 0.35%

Press release No. 490 from December 9, 2020

WIESBADEN – The federal government, the federal states and the municipalities together spent 11.4 billion euros on culture in 2017. As reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), that was 6.3% or 0.7 billion euros more than in 2016. From 2010 to 2017, public expenditure on culture rose by 22.3%. In 2017, the federal, state and local governments spent a total of 138 euros per inhabitant on culture. The public cultural expenditure thus had a share of 0.35% of the gross domestic product.

With a good third (34%), the largest share of public cultural expenditure in 2017 went to the cultural sector of theater and music, followed by museums, collections, exhibitions (19%) and libraries (14%). The remaining third (32%) of the expenditure was divided between cultural affairs abroad, public art colleges, monument protection and conservation, other cultural affairs and administration for cultural affairs.

With 5.1 billion euros (44%), the municipalities contributed most of the public expenditure on culture. The federal states financed the cultural sector with 4.4 billion euros (39%) and the federal government with 1.9 billion euros (17%). The federal funds for culture flowed primarily into the field of cultural affairs abroad (35%). This includes expenses for the Goethe Institute, for example. In the case of the federal states and municipalities, however, most of the expenditure was spent on theater and music (39% and 42% of expenditure, respectively).

Preliminary results for 2019: the federal and state governments spend 10% more on culture than in 2017

By 2019, federal and state cultural spending, which together amounted to 6.4 billion euros in 2017, rose by 10.4% to 7.0 billion euros, according to preliminary calculations. There are no preliminary results for 2019 for the municipalities.

The results come from the cultural finance report 2020. The joint publication of the statistical offices of the federal government and the federal states is carried out on behalf of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education of the Federal States in the Federal Republic of Germany (Conference of Ministers of Education) and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in agreement with the German Association of Cities created.

Expenditures to finance cultural and natural heritage are part of the monitoring of the sustainability strategy of the United Nations “.

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