Add and continue: the debt of all public administrations rose to an all-time high of €1.504 billion in September, which represents a relative increase of 0.8% on the previous month, and the report on the GDP it stood at 116%, according to data released this Thursday since Bank of Spain. To understand, that in just one year the debt grew by 71.715 million more, due to lower revenues and higher expenses deriving from the pandemic crisis and more recently due to the war in Ukraine. A slab-shaped recess that represents a gigantic mortgage for future generations, because today’s public debt is future taxes. It’s what you have to spend unproductively like there’s no tomorrow. And it is that the government of Pedro Sánchez in the squandering of public resources must be recognized that it is unique and practices like no other the doctrine of who comes next, who leads.
The increase in debt in September is mainly due to the increase in debt of the Central administrationwhile the rest -autonomous communities, local corporations and Social Security– reduced its debt or maintained it at levels similar to those recorded last month. In other words, it is the social-communist government which, instead of setting an example, has climbed on the back of the rubbish. It is not only the elephantine structure of an Administration that serves as a haven for a legion of the weak, but also the shower of millions that are used to nurse the acolytes of social-communism. The fact that the debt has grown by more than 71,000 million euros in one year demonstrates how much the Government has decided to take the middle ground and to pool public resources in its sinister strategy to attract votes.