The Council opened a public call to choose the next personero of the city for the period between March 1, 2024 and February 29, 2028, who will replace the current one in that position, Carmen Elena de Caro. Read: They issue an arrest warrant against former senator Arturo Char for the Aida Merlano case
The Corporación Universidad de la Costa, CUC de Barranquilla, will be in charge of the merit contest and define the schedule for it, which must end on January 10, 2024. That day the city should meet the new representative, whoever wins with the higher scores on knowledge, academic, professional, and interview tests.
It should be remembered that the Government of Gustavo Petro, through the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and the Administrative Department of the Civil Service, made Decree 0896 of 2023 official, which stipulates that Mayor William Dau has a monthly salary of $21,497. 207, because Cartagena is a special category district. The personero from Cartagena earns the same salary.
The knowledge exam is scheduled for October 6 and the 11th of the same month, the results will be published.
The thematic axes of the exam are the following:
1. District Regime, structure and operation of the District of Cartagena de Indias
2. Public management, Constitutional Law and constitutional actions
3. Administrative Law, administrative procedure and state contracting
4. Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
5. Police Law
6. Disciplinary Law
7. Alternative Conflict Resolution Mechanisms
8. Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law
9. Law of Victims
10. Workplace Harassment Law.
On January 7, the CUC must send the list of eligible candidates to the Council, so that three days later the winner will be known.
Those who want to register for this process can do so between September 18 and 22. Those admitted will be published on September 27 and the final list on October 3.
The registration of the applicants must be done by sending the applicant their resume and related documents to the email [email protected] on the dates and times indicated in the schedule established for the contest.
The documentation must be submitted virtually through the channels mentioned in this resolution. Certifications that do not meet the conditions indicated below will not be taken into account in the selection process nor may they be subject to further complementation.
As requirements, registrants must meet the following:
1. Being Colombian by birth
2. Citizen in good standing
3. To be elected municipal representative it is required: in the municipalities or districts of special categories, first and second titles of lawyer and postgraduate
4. Not having been sentenced by judicial sentence to a custodial sentence, except for political or negligent crimes
6. Not be involved in any cause of disability, incompatibility or conflicts of interest for the exercise of the position
7. Not having reached the compulsory retirement age.
Below is the call schedule:
Councilors Lewis Montero, Carlos Barrios and Laureano Curi, members of the Board of Directors, established the following phases of the contest:
– Public tender
– Registration of candidates
– Background check and compliance with minimum legal requirements
– Written test (academic knowledge)
– Work skills assessment test
– Assessment of studies and experience that exceed the minimum requirements
– Personal interview
– Definition of eligible list
– Election of the representative.
Documents to be presented by the interested parties
– Unique format of CV of the public function which must be downloaded from the website (The presentation in another format will not be valid, which must be accompanied by the following documents)
– Photocopy of the Citizenship Certificate
– Photocopy of the Military Book, in the case of men under 50 years of age
– Certificate of disciplinary record issued by the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation
– Certificate of disciplinary record of lawyer issued by the Superior Council of the Judiciary
– Valid certificate of not being the applicant reported in the bulletin of tax officials, issued by the Comptroller General of the Republic
– Certificate of judicial record
– Certificate of misdemeanor record
– Copy of the title or the Graduation Certificate or the Professional Card that accredits the professional title and/or postgraduate studies
– Sworn declaration of not being involved in any cause of inability, incompatibility and/or conflicts of interest to hold the position of Ombudsman of Cartagena
– Documents proving work experience and training.
2023-09-06 22:07:57
#earn #million #monthly #Council #opens #call