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Public Account: Piñera wrote an apology, omitted it in his speech and unleashed dust

At the end of the 2020 Public Account, the government spokesperson, Jaime Bellolio, stepped out of the criticism launched by the opposition against President Sebastián Piñera for omitting one of the paragraphs of his speech in which he offered – personally – his excuses by eventual lack or insufficiency of help that Chilean families have suffered during the Covid-19 pandemic that plagues the country.

“Some say that the Government’s aid to the affected families has not been sufficient or has not arrived in time. And to a certain extent they are right. Faced with the magnitude, severity and extent of the crises we are facing, no country, and neither ours has been able to grant enough aid to fully compensate for the havoc on families, “says the original document –shared by Presidency on their website-.

“I apologize to those affected, but I can assure you that our Government has tried its best from the beginning and has not rested for a single day, to accompany and bring the greatest possible relief to the affected families”, continued the text.

However, during his message, Piñera did not read the phrase “I apologize to those affected”, which sparked controversy.

“On recognition of errors, there was a timid recognition, but there is a textual paragraph that is in his written speech, where he says ‘I apologize to those affected,’ and the President did not read it,” criticized the senator and helmsman PS, Álvaro Elizalde, after the Public Account.

When asked about it, the spokesperson Bellolio stated that “The President has made his self-criticism, not only once, but twice. I would like to ask how many times a President of the Republic acknowledges twice in his speech that for example he has been late, which for example may have been insufficient and that is a way of apologizing to Chileans. “

“And I want to ratify it: of course We apologize to the Chileans if it has been insufficient and we have not arrived in time. And those are the errors that we must amend, “emphasized the former deputy.

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