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Psychology of the kid blocked on Twitter

There is a quickly recognizable character on Twitter: let’s call him the kid.

He often belongs to the pack woke lyncheuse who comes alive on social networks and systematically seeks to ruin the reputation of those whom she designates to public retribution to condemn them to social and professional banishment. This kid is first and foremost a hate activist, but he doesn’t know it. It is in the name of tolerance that he wants to put an end to people who do not think like him! In front of him, he does not see adversaries, but enemies of humanity against whom anything is permitted.

But the little kid does not always have such a defined profile. It happens that the little kid is simply an individual who has let himself be contaminated by bad manners and the total lack of good manners that dominate this social network. In other words, without being by nature an aggressive militant, he takes the bend of the environment where he seeks to impose himself, to be seen. This little kid can belong to all ideological tendencies, it should be noted.

One thing is certain, the little kid insults, he harasses – he is however persuaded to criticize, and to do it in a prickly way, showing a lot of wit. He does not know that throwing up a thousand insults in a man’s face is not to criticize him, it is to insult him. Our little kid very often doubles as an uneducated who does not know the meaning of the words he uses. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t know he is insulting? We should never underestimate the effects of the collapse of general culture on civic-mindedness.

We will add that our little kid is often addicted to social networks and can spend hours and hours every day on Twitter. It is not far to camp there. He would especially not want to miss an opportunity to be disagreeable towards his neighbor!

So, inevitably, sooner or later, the one who is harassed by the little kid decides to block him.

In our history, therefore, the blocker arrives.

To be quick, we’ll say that there are two types of blockers on social networks – I’ll leave out those for whom blocking is not an option.

There is the patient blocker. He is generally reluctant to block. He waits for the kid to attack him repeatedly, then decides to block him. There are limits to letting a ti-quail pollute digital life. For this type of blocker, blocking is a great way. He probably has a problem with his conscience every time he blocks, but ends up resolving to it under exceptional circumstances. I’m not from this school, or at least I haven’t been for a very long time.

There is also the blocker which, immediately, blocks the little kid. He thinks he has a flair to detect it – it must be said that the little kid is not a model of subtlety and is very easily spotted. So, as soon as it occurs, directly or indirectly, the blocker blocks it. It may be blocking too quickly. It happens. But overall, he is not wrong. With him, the blockage is a gesture of mental hygiene. Why would we let fools stalkers and bad guys impose themselves full time in our existence? It was at this school that I joined.

But the little kid doesn’t understand a thing. He’s rarely as smart as he thinks he is. And he imagines that he was blocked because he was of remarkable relevance and the blocker could no longer tolerate being contradicted with his arguments so pertinent. Its motto? I am blocked, therefore I am! So, as soon as he realizes his blocked status, he takes a screenshot of it and posts it on Twitter like a claim to fame. Yes! He was blocked! This is proof of its civic relevance. It is even more proof that he is aiming right, that he disturbs the powerful!

It’s time to tell him a secret. My dear boy, if you are stuck, it is most likely proof that you do not know how to live in society, that you are an aggressive zozo, a low-end stalker. A little kid with whom we must preserve maximum digital distance, even if it means making it a principle of maximum waterproofing.

It’s as simple as that. I’m happy to tell you, my little kid ????.

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