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Psychologist Designs New Simple Test To Measure Creativity


Psychologists think that people who are more creative can relate to distant elements in their minds more easily.

Nationalgeographic.co.idCreativity is a difficult thing to define, much less to measure. But a group of scientists think that they have found a very simple way to assess at least one aspect of the level creativity.

They made a your which you can try to do yourself in a few minutes. Your it works best when you don’t know much about how analysis works.

This new method called the Divergent Association Task (DAT) only asks participants your to name 10 nouns that have as much meaning as possible. “Cat” and “book” would be more different than “cat” and “dog,” for example.

A computer algorithm then measures the semantic distance between the nouns the participants wrote or mentioned your the. Semantic distance is a measure of how much the two words are related to each other.


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