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psychological treatment for cancer patients

Up to 60 percent of patients with Cancer experience symptoms of depression that can make it even more difficult for women to adjust, participate optimally in treatment activities and take advantage of the sources of social support available to them acknowledged clustering of Active Women Against Breast Cancer, MUAC.

The group highlighted the importance of Pink Circle, coordinated by Elía del Carmen Saavedra Serrano, within the framework of the eighth anniversary.

The Pink Circle was created by MUAC with the aim of providing group support for women who have experienced or are undergoing treatment for this disease.

“Negative emotions can cause women to stop doing things that are good for them and start doing things that are bad for anyone, and especially worrisome for those who have a serious illness. Cancer of breast they can begin to eat badly, for example “, indicated in his social networks the group.

He stressed that group psychological treatment with other people who have Cancer Breastfeeding gives women the ability to provide and receive emotional support, with excellent results.

Throughout these 8 years, the Pink Circle It has had the collaboration of specialists and organizations such as psychologists, psychiatrists, nutritionists, coaching, companies, oncologists, state and municipal authorities that have joined to help women overcome this disease.

Among the many benefits that the Pink Circle There is a significant improvement in both quality of life and survival, as well as the experience of sharing with other people who have similar situations with the Cancer, which helps to make women feel better, with more hope and empathy in their daily fight against this disease.

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