In addition to the fans who closely follow the life of the House 2 star, Christina communicates closely with TV expert Nikoletta Antipova, who predicts the future of the participants in her Telegram channel. Sometimes she writes opinions that reality TV characters don’t like. After one of these predictions, Ivan Barzikov quarreled with Bukhynbalte’s friend, the fortune teller Nicoletta, he believes that he has no feelings for Christina and it’s time to forget this love story.
Barzikov published a story in which he invited Nicoletta, who believed that he would return to Bukhynbalte, to pet the bull, but not on the withers.
Nicoletta, in turn, hinted that Ivan had serious health problems. Do you see the ribbon?
Next, Nicoletta published a post on her channel and said that Ivan’s consciousness, no matter how much he resists, will change, and Chris is his destiny. And Vanya is now flirting with a new member, Elvira, and he is enjoying life, which we wrote about in the shloka.
Let’s see if the prediction comes true. Are they damaging Barzikov? How to evaluate the fact that Bukhynbalte and her fans are using the help of a psychic?