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Psychiatrists told how to reduce the risk of depression in adolescents

The risk of developing symptoms of depression in adolescents is associated with a sedentary lifestyle. An additional hour of at least light physical activity will help reduce the likelihood of developing this disease.

This conclusion was reached by a team of researchers from University College London. The results of their work are published in the journal Lancet Psychiatry.

Any form of activity that is different from sedentary is capable of working for a positive result, scientists say: for example, a short walk. The study included data on 4257 teenagers: all of them had symptoms of depression. The observation was carried out for 6 years.

Symptoms of depression – such as poor mood, poor concentration, and a feeling of dissatisfaction – were recorded using clinical questionnaires. Physical activity was evaluated using accelerometers that children wore for 7 days during their entire wakefulness period, unless they were showering or swimming.

When drawing conclusions, scientists took into account factors such as gender, ethnicity, social status, psychiatric diagnoses of parents, level of education, etc. First, researchers recorded physical activity at the age of 12, 14 and 16 years, and then measured the symptoms of depression at 18- summer age.

As it turned out, an extra hour sitting during the day increased depression by 18 years of age by 8 to 11 percent. Conversely, an additional hour of physical activity in the open air at 12-16 years old reduced these numbers, respectively. Maintaining a high level of activity along with exposure to daylight reduced the symptoms of depression even more.

“We must encourage people of all ages to move more and sit less, because it is useful not only for physical, but also for mental health,” quoted MedicalXpress as the lead author of the study, Aaron Kandola.

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