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Psychiatrist in Pisa declared brain dead after attack by patient with record, who defined himself as a “shaman” on social media

April 23, 202318:21

The procedure for organ donation has started. The arrested person, who has a record, defines himself as a “shaman” on social media

A Pisa the verification procedure was completed and it was brain death decreed for the psychiatrist Barbara Capovani, 55 years old: Organ donation started immediately. The medical bulletin makes it known. The woman was attacked two days ago by a 35-year-old man, Gianluca Paul Seungwho is in custody on charges of attempted premeditated murder (crime that will be reformulated). The Italian man tried to escape the agents when they went to pick him up at home.

“The procedure for ascertaining death with neurological criteria was concluded at 11.40 pm – is reported by the bulletin issued by the Pisan university hospital and the North-West Tuscany Local Health Authority -. As already announced in the previous medical bulletin, it will proceed with the donation of the organs as per the will expressed in life by Dr. Capovani, shared by the family members and authorized by the magistrate” of the Pisa prosecutor’s office.

Charged with premeditated murder To kill the doctor was a
his patient that, 24 hours before,
he had asked her for a meeting. In the past
he had already been arrested. The 55-year-old woman was attacked outside the Santa Chiara hospital Friday afternoon. The death of the psychiatrist will also lead to the requalification of the hypothesis of a crime against the man accused of the assault, from attempted premeditated murder to premeditated murder.

The detainee had a record The arrested man is 35 years old and lives in Torre del Lago (Lucca). Patient of the doctor, he is known to the police for his violent behavior. In the past he had received several via papers from the provinces of Lucca, Prato and recently also from Pisa. Not long ago he had been arrested for an assault in court in Lucca.

The conspiracy theses on the man’s social profile In his Facebook profile he defines himself as follows: “I am a shaman, mediator between invisible and visible; I connect the dimensions”. The social profile of the thirty-five year old is full of posts containing conspiracy theses ranging from the war in Ukraine to Freemasonry, from the Church to more purely local issues which mainly concern Lucca and Viareggio. There are also many psychiatric-themed messages.

The 35-year-old had requested a meeting the day before The day before the attack on psychiatrist Barbara Capovani, the man arrested had gone to the territorial psychiatry of Pisa to ask to meet the professional without succeeding. The day after he attacked her and the dramatic sequence of blows, launched with an object never found, was immortalized by the video surveillance cameras that allowed him to be identified. According to the investigators, Seung also got rid of the clothes he was wearing at the time of the attack on the doctor.

“The ambush was premeditated” Seung had been placed in treatment at the Psychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment Service of Pisa in 2019. This is what emerges from the investigations which highlighted how the man “nurtured strong grudges against the doctor, who had treated him in that year, elements that are confirmed in the analysis of the suspect’s social media”. According to what was reconstructed by the investigators, who contest the man’s premeditation, Seung would have attempted the ambush since the previous day but Barbara Capovani was not there.

Attacker attempted to escape officers Seung resisted when the policemen of the Pisa mobile team went to pick him up at home. The officers broke down the door and he tried to escape

on arrest using pepper spray before being permanently immobilized. In the house he also had a crossbow with a bolt.

Criticize the conditions of the psychiatrist “The patient’s conditions remain critical, despite the surgical and anesthesiological-resuscitation procedures immediately implemented in the Pisan hospital-university company which stabilized the picture, which remains serious”, reads the joint statement of ASL Toscana Nord Ovest and Aou pisana .

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2023-04-23 22:38:33

#Pisa #psychiatrist #attacked #hospital #brain #death #confirmed

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