Home » today » World » PSoK for fire in Lasithi: The mechanism is not yet ready – 2024-04-08 05:22:06

PSoK for fire in Lasithi: The mechanism is not yet ready – 2024-04-08 05:22:06

“The fire in Ierapetra, specifically in the areas of Mavro Kolymbo, Malles and Ammoudares, is the second fire that has occurred in the country in just one week, before the fire prevention season has even officially started,” point out the member of parliament of Lasithi, Katerina Spyridaki, and the person in charge KTE Climate Crisis and Civil Protection of PASOK, Andreas Poulas.

Commenting on the fire that broke out today, Saturday, in Ierapetra, they emphasize that “our thoughts are with the citizens who are being tested in these difficult times, the Fire Department officers, the volunteers and the security forces, who under the adverse conditions of the powerful of winds blowing over 8 Beaufort, they put up an admirable fight against the flames. Their dedication is impressive.”

“The need to focus on prevention is now imperative”

“The priority of all of us should be the immediate and complete control of the fire front, with the aim of the safety of our fellow citizens, their properties and the natural beauty of the area”, PASOK officials note.

And they underline that the climate crisis is showing “its teeth” very early this year “and despite the predictions for a very ‘hot’ summer, the state apparatus is not yet fully prepared despite the government’s big words”.

“Because in the end the effectiveness of the state apparatus can be seen in actions and not in words. The need to focus on prevention is now imperative”, they point out.

#PSoK #fire #Lasithi #mechanism #ready

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