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PSOE Leads the Municipal Elections in Mijas, but Faces Uncertainty in Governing

He PSOE, led by the current mayor Josele González, has been the list with the most votes in the municipality of Mijas, receiving a total of 8,589 supports, representing 33.6% of the total. He obtains 10 councillors, but they are three fewer than he needs for an absolute majority, although he has won two compared to 2019. The victory has been very tight compared to the second formation with the highest number of voters, the PPwhich has obtained 31% of the votes, 8,077 ballots and 9 councillors.

This opens a scenario of uncertainty in the municipality of Mijas, in which participation has been 51.7%. They also enter the corporation Vox with 3 councillors, two more than in 2019 and 11% of the votes, citizenswhich continues with only two councillors, although it has lost four compared to the last elections, and for my peoplewho gets a rep.

The Socialists, therefore, will need pacts to govern a Mayor’s Office that could also be won by the PP, led by Ángel Nozal, if it reaches agreements with Vox and Ciudadanos, for example. It should be remembered that the campaign of former mayor Nozal has been tarnished by his summons to testify as being investigated for a crime of documentary falsification.

In 2019 the PP, with Angel Nozal in front, it continued to be the force with the most votes in Mijas, but it lost two councilors compared to 2011, remaining with 9 councilors -four of the absolute majority-. For its part, the PSOE remained the second force with the most votes in the town with 27.45% of the votes and 8 councilors -one more-. Ciudadanos also added one more councilor compared to 2015 and was left with 6.

Costa del Sol Sí Puede (CSSP) lost its representation in the local corporation. Its two councilors went to Podemos and Vox, who got one each. The Mijeño Neighborhood Movement formation was also left without representation.

The question of who would rule in Mijas remained until the last minute. In the end, the PSOE regained the mayoralty in the town eight years later at the hands of Josele González, who was sworn in as the new mayor of Mijas with 14 votes in favour, one more than needed to reach an absolute majority – the eight of his team plus the six of Ciudadanos-.

#Results #municipal #elections #Mijas

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