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PSOE candidate for Castilla-La Mancha appeals to “safe path” in face of PP-Vox alliance

The PSOE candidate for the Presidency of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has appealed this Saturday to the “safe path” that his party represents, because with the socialists the citizens “will not have to lose sleep”, in front of to the vote that supposes the alliance of the Popular Party with Vox.

This was stated during an act at the Civic Center of Añover de Tajo (Toledo), together with the Socialist candidate for Mayor, Rodrigo Moreno, in which he had the presence of his sister Josefina, where he specified that “when it makes things difficult, parties matter and ideology too ».

“If the vote is not directed to the PSOE, to the project that I lead, it is a vote that is thrown away, literally lost, because if it does not help a progressive government, it indirectly helps coercion between Núñez and Vox,” has pointed.

Emiliano García-Page has stressed that he puts Castilla-La Mancha ahead of his party “and ahead of all the parties together”, assuming that he does not want “nobody to feel hopeless if we win.”

Putting in value the bullfighting fans of Yuncos -as in Añover de Tajo, where he has been previously-, he has once again placed the accent on the need to have “the human capital” and the “intelligence factory” that There is now. “We need to have the talent of a lot of people, especially younger people.”

“The real future, the real raw material that we have is not even the sun, it is young people,” he said, reviewing the investments in Vocational Training, university and contracts that his Government has launched and will implement.


Of the candidate for the Mayor of Yuncos, he has confessed that “he had been sensing that the circumstances were in place for him to be mayor” because, as he has verified in this act, he has “convened a lot more people than Feijóo yesterday in Toledo.” “I don’t know if I’m going to leave it in Añover or I’m going to have to claim it for other things,” he ironized.

“I make a pact with Añover, I don’t bother him,” he continued in the face of complaints from the audience. «I leave it here for it to be delivered to Añover. You stay here working in Añover and I will give you a hand with the Cuesta Vieja and we will build a new Health Center », she has promised.

Moreno, on his side, has begun his intervention advancing his intention to remodel the Municipal Theater, has asked García-Page for help to recover precisely the Cuesta Vieja del Pueblo and build the Health Center, and has assured that, with him in the City Hall, “there will be transparency.” “We will leave behind the stage of shadows” to go to another where the shadows will be the trees that will be planted in the municipality, he declared.

2023-05-13 17:46:41
#Page #appeals #safe #path #represented #PSOE #lose #sleep

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