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PSI: Digitalization helps save energy

Villigen (energate) – Thanks to digitalization, ten to twenty percent of energy can be saved in the process of energy transformationResearchers at PSI calculated this using a complex simulation procedure. Rebound effects – savings in one area that lead to more consumption elsewhere – would be “more than compensated” by more efficient technologies and behavioral changes, writes the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Villigen about the research. The results of the research were published in the journal “Energy Policy”.

“Digitalization does not solve all problems, but it supports the transformation of the energy system on the way to net zero emissions,” says Evangelos Panos. The researcher from the Energy Economics group at PSI carried out the calculations together with former PSI doctoral student Lidia Stermieri and researchers from ETH Zurich. The STEM energy system model (Swiss Times Energy Systems Model) developed at PSI was used, among other things. In the powerful model, six million equations with six million variables represent the Swiss energy system and the interactions between technologies, energy and emission sources and sectors.

Two models combined for calculation

However, STEM only models the techno-economic side of the energy system and does not provide any information about socio-economic factors. For example, how people make decisions about their energy consumption. That is why another model was added: SEED (Socio-Economic Energy model for Digitalization). This maps the decision-making processes of actors in households, parts of the service sector and industry in order to analyze synergies and interactions in the introduction of energy-saving digital services and practices.

From the combination of the two models, which according to PSI is “unique in Europe”, two possible scenarios (stagnation and progress) were calculated and analyzed. Even if none of these scenarios will come to pass exactly as they are, they are “very valuable” as support for decision-making for those responsible in politics and business, say the researchers at PSI. But this is only an intermediate step towards even more realistic models, which should also take into account findings from psychology.

Making “New Energy Policy” possible

For this purpose, another sub-project is being launched, which, according to the PSI, is being funded with 10 million Swiss francs by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) as part of the SWEET program. Six million Swiss francs of this has already been invested in PSI research. This generation of models will “lead to a new energy policy,” explains Evangelos Panos. This will give politicians a unique tool to support their decisions and to take social aspects more into account. “Because technology alone is not the solution,” says the researcher. /at

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