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PSG wants more than R$1 billion to negotiate Mbappé with Real Madrid, says newspaper | international football

The soap opera Mbappé is or is not on PSG is still hot. According to the Spanish newspaper “Marca”, the French club didn’t even respond to Real Madrid’s first contact, which offered 160 million euros (about R$988 million) for the player. Paris Saint-Germain officials want at least 200 million euros (BRL 1.23 billion) to start any conversation.

PSG even believes that Real can reach the 222 million euros that were paid by the Parisian team itself by Neymar to Barcelona in 2017 – the biggest deal in history.

It is worth remembering that Mbappé, who trained normally this Wednesday alongside Messi, Neymar and company, has another year on his contract with PSG. In other words, if it is not negotiated now, it will come out free of charge in 2022.

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And going to Real Madrid is the absolute desire of the 22-year-old ace. So much so that he turned down a proposal for a six-year contract renewal and 60 million euros per season. A salary proposal that is half of what Real plans to offer him, according to the Spanish daily “Marca”.

Mbappé even recalled at the last meeting with Leonardo, football director, that he had a promise made in 2017 by Nasser Al Khelaifi, president of PSG, to negotiate it with Real Madrid at the end of his contract.

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Mbappé – Photo: REUTERS/Stephane Mahe

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The 22-year-old Frenchman took part in the first three French Championship games – victories over Troyes, Strasbourg and Brest – and shook the net last weekend.


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