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PSDA Sector PUPRP Ciamis Irrigation Network Rehabilitation in 2021

Ciamis News, (harapanrakyat.com),- PSDA Division of the PUPRP Office of Ciamis Regency, West Java, in 2021 has carried out repairs to irrigation networks with a total budget of Rp 50,217,401,000.

Head of the PUPRP (Public Spatial Planning and Land) Office of Ciamis Regency, Andang said, in addition to road repairs, in 2021 his party also carried out activities for the PSDA sector.

One of them is the rehabilitation of irrigation networks as many as 43 activities which include increasing irrigation as many as 12 activities, construction of irrigation inspection roads for 10 activities.

Then, construction of irrigation guardhouses in 16 locations of irrigation areas, normalization of rivers/channels in 4 locations of rivers. Then, the construction of river/channel cliff protection at 4 river locations, as well as the construction of 1 unit flood control pump.

“The PSDA Sector activity is a support for the Highways Sector. Of course, we have achieved this by adjusting the existing budget, but we have not stopped making improvements again in 2022,” Andang told HR Online, Tuesday (04/01/2021).

Meanwhile, for the achievement of physical realization of activities in the PSDA sector, the coverage area of ​​irrigation is 2,900, 17 hectares.

In addition, his party also carried out the construction and rehabilitation of weirs under the authority of Ciamis Regency as many as 7 weirs.

Baca Juga : Capaian Kinerja DPUPRP Ciamis 2021, Rampungkan Berbagai Pekerjaan

Plus the construction of a 20,720.60 meter pair channel, 396.80 meter river/channel cliff protection, 550 meter river/channel normalization.

As well as construction of irrigation inspection roads with a length of 4,589.85 meters and construction of 16 units of irrigation guard houses.

“We did this irrigation development to meet the need for water which includes agricultural areas according to their respective regions. The goal is so that water can continue to exist and farmers can work on paddy fields,” he explained.

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In fact, continued Andang, his party needs to continue to normalize the river because many river channels are already shallow. So, when there is a lot of water during the rainy season, it can flow smoothly.

“Rivers often experience siltation. So we will normalize it so that water in irrigation locations can continue to flow smoothly and farmers can get a good water supply,” he explained.

The program for repairing and building irrigation facilities will continue to be carried out. In addition, the maintenance of irrigation networks is also very important. So that the irrigation that has been built can be used by the community properly as a means of supplying water.

“Hopefully this program that has been realized can have a good impact on the needs of the community. Therefore, we also invite the community to maintain irrigation and weirs as well as possible,” concluded Andang. (ES/R3/HR-Online/Editor-Eva)

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