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PS5, Xbox Series X award: Analysis firm gives assessment

The price of the PS5 and Xbox Series X is most important for many users before the release. But Sony and Microsoft have not yet announced the prices. An analyst has now estimated the price of the new consoles and should like many potential buyers of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.

Who does the information come from? The assessment comes from the analysis company “Ampere Analysis.” This specializes in questions around the market. Now she has looked at what the PS5 and Xbox Series X could cost.

What does the company say about the price? The PS5 and Xbox Series X are said to be priced between $ 450 and $ 500. With taxes, the consoles would be between 500 and 550 euros.

According to My MMO survey, many of you are ready to award this price to the new consoles to pay. So far, it is also assumed that Sony is considering undercutting the Xbox Series X price.

ps5 xbox series x evaluation
The company gives three reasons why the PS5 and Xbox Series X won’t cost more than $ 500.

Analyst: Two reasons speak for $ 450- $ 500

The analyst gives two reasons why it is suspected that the price of the Xbox Series X and PS5 will be between 450 and 500 euros.

PS5, Xbox Series X: Economic recession

The first reason the company cites is the economic recession that Corona is and will continue to cause the economy to tumble.

People have less money and are not willing to spend a lot of money on new technology.

But the analyst also thinks that the price of the consoles could rise after the recession.

PS5, Xbox Series X: Backward compatibility

The second reason is the backward compatibility of the PS5 and Xbox Series X. Many developers will probably release their games for both the new and old consoles. So the users will have no compelling reason to buy a new console. Also because additional Hardware for 8K gaming is currently very expensive.

We at MeinMMO also believe that the PS4 still has a high value despite an upcoming PS5 release.

Cover picture Xbox Series X and PS5 priceCover picture Xbox Series X and PS5 price

Sony and Microsoft seem to be lurking about the price

It might take some time before we get a final retail price of PS5 and Xbox Series X. In the end, it looked as if Sony was waiting for the price Microsoft was asking for its console – and Microsoft also seemed to be waiting to see what price the PS5 would start at.

Given the powerful performance of the PS5 and Xbox Series X, there is some debate over what the new consoles could cost if they were on the shelves. We once looked at what the PS5 and Xbox Series X would cost as a PC..

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