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PS5 with call recording. Sony defends the decision again and argues it with the desire to protect players

Three days ago, we got a pretty big Sony system update. The PlayStation 4 software has been upgraded to version 8.00and we were able to browse through an extremely long list of new features and improvements. The loudest echo was however information about the implementation of voice chat recordingthat we can implement using the console. It caused a lot of controversy among players – they felt even more under surveillance.

So it’s time for an explanation and subsequent employees of Sony branches deny that it is only for the good of their players. Yesterday late in the evening, an entry from Catherine Jensen appeared on the PlayStation blog, which heads the Global Consumer Experience department. She communicated how important security is in life on the Internet and how much they intend to ensure that users of their system are protected.

Of course, the representative apologized for the lack of explanation about the operation of the system and why it was introduced. She found that Sony should inform about the intention to add such a function in advance and clearly explain what it can be used for. However, the whole thing will work only on PlayStation 5:

When the PS5 console is launched and a player wishes to report a harassment, they will be able to attach a maximum 40-second voice chat fragment to their request – 20 seconds of the main conversation with the other player and an additional 10 seconds before and after the selected part. Only the last five minutes of the voice chat will be available for use.

These reports can be sent directly to the PS5 console and will be forwarded to our Consumer Experience team for moderation, who will then listen to the recording and take appropriate action if necessary.

There will be no way to opt out of this voice chat recording feature as we want all users to feel safe playing with other people online, not just those who choose to enable it.

Well, it must be admitted that this clears up the situation a bit, although I have no doubt that there will still be people who you will not like the fact that the feature cannot be turned off. This is obviously quite a controversial play on Sony’s part, but it is undoubtedly a part of today’s everyday life.

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