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PS5 (Sony): Design still in the dark – controller lets gamers speculate

PS5 (Sony): The design of the console fueled speculation. How much does the controller reveal?

© Sony

The next-gen console from Sony is still a topic of conversation. After the controller was unveiled, players around the world are asking themselves: What does the PS5 look like?

Tokyo, Japan – After Sony surprisingly launched the new controller for the PS5 had revealed, fans are now diligently speculating about the design of the new console, which is due for release in late 2020. How ingame.de* Reported, the design of the controller could play a crucial role in the design of the PS5.

“DualSense represents a radical departure from our previous controller offerings and shows how much we are interested in a generation leap with PS5.” With this quote, the President & CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Jim Ryan, presented the new two-tone controller of the PS5 in front.

On ingame.de* read, how much the new dual sense controller reveals about the design of the PS5* and why Sony is still holding back with announcements.

* ingame.de is part of the nationwide editorial network of the Ippen-Digital-Zentralredaktion

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