The most expensive variant of Sony’s subscription, PS Plus Premium, offers the most privileges, allowing users a kind of “return to the past”, thanks to which they can check out titles originally debuting on older PlayStation platforms. While some subscribers often complain about regularly skipping classics that aren’t added to the service’s catalog every month, they shouldn’t be dissatisfied this time.
Since yesterday, PlayStation customers can check out three older titles, and two of them have received trophies – by playing Siphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Ape Academy 2, you can take up the challenge and eventually fight for platinum. This is very good news for trophy hunters who plan to add more prizes to their collections – only Ridge Racer Type 4 did not receive a list of trophies.
Platinum in Siphon Filter: Dark Mirror should not be a problem, because it is enough to complete the production, but getting to know the mini-games package, which debuted for the first time in 2006, requires a few additional activities involving daredevils.
PSNProfiles reports that 10% of players have already won the most important trophy in Siphon Filter: Dark Mirrorwhile only 3.77% of PlayStation enthusiasts received it platinum in Ape Academy 2.