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PS 5 users can record voice chats

Jakarta, Selular.ID – After the company released an update for the PlayStation 4 to version 8.0, users were surprised by the notification which allowed Sony to record voice chat for moderation.

This move drew some controversy from users who felt they were being stalked. In response to this, Sony provided a statement via a company blog post.

According to Sony, the company will not record gamers’ voice chats, nor will all voice chats be recorded at all. In contrast, players who experience harassment or harassment via voice chat while playing games have the option to report another player, who only recorded the last five minutes.

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“Once the PS5 console is launched, if PS5 players need to file a harassment report, they will be able to include a Voice Chat clip of up to 40 seconds in their reports, which includes 20 seconds of main conversation with other players, plus 10 additional seconds before and after the conversation selection. Only the most recent five minutes of Voice Chat will be available for players to use for this reporting function. ” said Sony, quoted from Ubergizmo, Saturday (17/10).

For information, this is the first time for Sony to allow PS users to voice chat, even to use for moderation. Even so, the PS 5 gaming console itself will only be available later this year.

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