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Prymula: Clubs are a risk and a bomb is ticking in hostels

The number of people infected rose sharply on Tuesday, so what do you explain?

The increase is mainly due to Prague, where the increase has doubled to a hundred. At the moment, Prague is becoming risky.

Is this a trend?

There is no trend in this yet. In Prague, the increase is mainly related to the focus in the Techtle Mechtle club.

What does this mean for people?

People should be responsible, disinfect their hands whenever possible, keep spacing. The re-introduction of drapes in indoor spaces in Prague is also being considered.

Where is the greatest risk of infection?

Now they are facilities for the elderly, specifically the Alzheimer’s Center, but the biggest risk is clubs or events where it is possible to become infected in a larger number of people.

Should tougher measures be taken because of this?

A traffic light will be created to show the level of risk, and action will be taken accordingly. And, for example, in Prague, a hygienic station can take measures that go beyond the usual ones.

Do you mean shortening the operating hours in clubs?

For example, but it can be completely selective. This may not be the case for classic restaurants, but only for bars and clubs where there is a high risk of infection.

What role do commuters or foreign workers play in the spread of the disease?

They play a role mainly in border regions. This mainly concerned the Moravian-Silesian Region, not only the mines, but a number of smaller companies.

Will a regulation that requires foreign workers must have a negative test help?

It will definitely be a filter, because some of these workers do not respect anything at all and it is also difficult to do trace interviews with them, because they negate everything. The risk is twofold: they either introduce the virus from their home country or spread it in hostels, which are often illegal and hygienic standards are not ideal. It’s a ticking bomb in a way.

Is it now possible to predict how the virus will spread?

In my opinion, there will still be small increases, because the measures have been relaxed throughout Europe. But the course of the disease is much better than in the beginning. This fills us with optimism and we therefore do not have to lock the earth in a hard lock. However, we must maintain hospital capacity and be prepared for the case of exponential growth. If it is linear, it does not hurt.

How do you explain that there are not so many cases of difficult course?

There are several explanations. One is that the virus has mutated and is more infectious, but it does not affect the infected as much. The second explanation is that people receive smaller doses of the virus than at the beginning, when there were no protective equipment and people underestimated it. The weather also plays a role, people move mainly outdoors in the summer, where the exposure is much smaller.

Is it possible to conclude that in the autumn, when we are more inside, it will get worse?

Are all positively tested people contagious?

A positively tested person is one who has a virus in them, but it does not mean that they are infectious, because the test also catches the virus at the end of their process, when they are already dead. The second category is an infected person who has been infected with the virus but may not have any symptoms. The third category is patients who showed clinical signs.

Which one is more dangerous for others?

It is said that those who have a severe course are more dangerous because they can spread the virus more massively, and those who infect will also have a more difficult course. But epidemiologically, those who have no symptoms are more dangerous because the virus is spreading in the population and we don’t even know about it.

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