Home » News » Prudenzano (Confintesa) “Good opening Meloni on the minimum wage” – Il Tempo

Prudenzano (Confintesa) “Good opening Meloni on the minimum wage” – Il Tempo

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “President Giorgia Meloni’s willingness to open to the minimum wage demonstrates the willingness on the part of the Government to find a solution to the problem of underpaid work due to the application of contracts which, in some cases, are also signed by trade union organizations – so-called – comparatively more representative”. This was stated by Francesco Prudenzano, Secretary General of Confintesa regarding the declared willingness of the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, to find implementing solutions for the application of the minimum wage.
“The minimum wage – continues Prudenzano – is law in 21 European countries and only in 6 countries, including Italy, is still not applied, leaving contracts free to establish, in many cases, very low hourly wages that humiliate workers.
Confintesa looks with satisfaction at this opening and, consistently with the positions in favor of a law that establishes a minimum wage in employment contracts, declares itself open to discussions with the Government.
Evidently – adds the Secretary of Confintesa – President Meloni also wanted to include this government commitment which has always been a legacy of the so-called social right, against poor work, and intends to solve the problem by including Italy among those countries that already apply the minimum wage by law “.
“Confintesa – concludes Prudenzano – also believes that it is wrong to state that the minimum wage “breaks the contracts” as it allows the parties to start discussing from wage levels that start right from the minimum wage and above.
Another positive element is given by the fact that the Minimum Wage by law would erase the scandal of the hundreds of pirated contracts filed with the CNEL which, precisely due to the absence of minimum wages, can exist and allow workers to be underpaid”.
– press office photo Confintesa –

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