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‘PRRS’ outbreak! Infected pigs found Eliminated more than 50 units, the municipality ordered the closure of slaughterhouses

Kranuan Municipality Ordered more than 50 pigs to be eliminated after PRRS infection and ordered to temporarily shut down the slaughterhouse, cleaning and disinfecting the laboratory results

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On 2 Feb. Revealed that PRRS infection was found in pigs in Ban Chai Rung Ruang Village, Village No. 11, Nong Ko Sub-district, Kranuan District, Khon Kaen Province, saying that after receiving coordination from provincial livestock in the Kranuan area, there was an outbreak in pig With the livestock notified and inspected in the area One of the revenues is following the outbreak. After visiting 14 infected pigs, four were examined, and 10 were unable to find the source.

The results of the PRRS infection by district livestock were destroyed on Sundays at night. After the infection was found in all 14 pigs in the infectious source. Therefore, 33 pig blood to the slaughterhouse of Muang Kranuan municipality was collected from the examination. But the livestock district ordered the slaughter of all 33 pigs as soon as possible. The Kranuan Municipality was completed on Sunday as well.

Then, the Kranuan Municipal Environmental Health Division Has cleaned the slaughterhouse of the municipality of Kranuan. Along with expanding the sterile trap before entering the slaughterhouse To make it wide and able to spray the solution to cover In which the test results of the infection of pigs at provincial livestock were used to test in the laboratory The results will be known by this Wednesday. Along with the temporary closure of the municipal slaughterhouse

For PR RS or Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome is a syndrome. In pig reproductive and respiratory systems Causing sows to abort High first stillborn Low mixing rate The dwarf piglets grow slowly and easily contract other diseases. It is a disease that is extremely damaging to pig farmers.

The cause of PRRS disease is caused by infection with the PRRS virus in the Arteriviridae family. PRRS virus Can be divided into two species: European breed And American species In Thailand, both strains were infected.

Symptoms of PRRS in pigs The virus is excreted from the body of sick pigs through feces, urine, breath and semen, which can be transmitted or transmitted to other pigs. Can be obtained by eating or direct contact such as sniffing, licking or mating. It can also be contacted through Air breathed in or through materials, tools, appliances Inside farm contaminated with virus Symptoms and severity depend on the type of infection. Farm management And the health of the pigs in the herd Sow group Often have symptoms with fever, anorexia.

Cause miscarriage, especially at the end of the erection High pregnancy or stillbirth Low mixing rate Breeder pig group Will decrease the semen quality Low mixing rate The suckling pigs, nursery pigs and fattening pigs often cause respiratory problems, dwarfism, slow growth and other complications easily. The severity of the disease decreases as the pigs age. Pigs older than 1 month show less obvious symptoms without complications.

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