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“Proxy Classes for Foreign Students: Neglected Academic Affairs Management in Korean Universities”

A lecture hall at a university in Seoul. news 1

“Korea University. I’m looking for a woman to take my class instead. I prefer people who will do it for a long time.”

“Kyung Hee University. I need a boy and wear a hat and glasses. 20,000 won.”

This article was posted on an online community frequently used by Chinese students studying abroad in Korea. Although some universities have taken crackdowns, proxy classes for international students are still prevalent. Both the metropolitan area and regional universities are trying to attract foreign students, but it is pointed out that the management of the academic affairs of international students is neglected.

Recruitment of substitute classes for the entire semester… Assignment and test fees are ‘separate’

On the 19th, when I looked at the online community for Chinese international students, I could easily find postings for substitute classes or assignments. There were also many posts by international students studying at major universities in Seoul. In some cases, gender was specified or clothing that could cover the face, such as a hat or glasses, was made a condition.

Last week, an article was posted on an online community mainly used by Chinese students studying abroad, asking for substitute students at Sungkyunkwan University.  Online community capture.

Last week, an article was posted on an online community mainly used by Chinese students studying abroad, asking for substitute students at Sungkyunkwan University. Online community capture.

Substitute classes were traded at 10,000 to 20,000 won per hour, and there were also articles saying they were looking for substitute students for an entire semester. The substitute tuition for the entire semester is around 500,000 to 600,000 won per subject, and assignments and exams are charged separately.

Those who exchanged contact information in the online community make transactions through WeChat, a messenger mainly used by Chinese students studying abroad. A Chinese student studying at a private university in Seoul said, “Every university has a group chat room where Chinese people gather, and posts asking for proxy classes come up often.” It is said that ghostwriting for bachelor’s thesis is 800,000 won, and ghostwriting for master’s thesis is 1.2 million won.

On the 1st, a post asking for a substitute student was posted in the chat room of a group of Chinese students at Chung-Ang University.  On the 11th of last month, despite the news that Chung-Ang University had discovered a substitute student for an international student, recruitment for substitute students continues.  The name of the group chat room means that it was opened in the spring of 2020.  Provided by readers, SNS capture

On the 1st, a post asking for a substitute student was posted in the chat room of a group of Chinese students at Chung-Ang University. On the 11th of last month, despite the news that Chung-Ang University had discovered a substitute student for an international student, recruitment for substitute students continues. The name of the group chat room means that it was opened in the spring of 2020. Provided by readers, SNS capture

Substitute classes have been discovered, but recruitment continues. On the 11th of last month, at Chung-Ang University, a Chinese student was caught taking the entire class for the second semester of 2022 by proxy, and disciplinary procedures are underway. It was confirmed that this international student did not even stay in Korea during the second semester of last year. However, even after being caught, a message was posted in the Chung-Ang University student chat room asking for a substitute class. At a private university in Daegu, a Chinese student was caught taking classes as a substitute, and was sentenced to two to four weeks probation.

“All you have to do is get a degree”… Increased proxy enrollment for non-face-to-face and mask classes

International students say that proxy classes have increased during the COVID-19 period. Prior to 2020, some students returning home during vacation were looking for someone to take the seasonal semester instead, but since Corona 19, there have been many cases of seeking substitute classes even during the regular semester. Son Mo, a Chinese student who has been studying in Korea for 5 years, said, “As non-face-to-face classes expand and people wear masks in the classroom, it seems that the number of substitute classes has increased.” is not a secret.”

Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min minn@joongang.co.kr

Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min [email protected]

It is said that the number of Chinese students attending Korean universities for the sole purpose of obtaining a degree has increased, leading to an increase in proxy classes. Last year, the number of foreign students at domestic universities reached an all-time high of 166,892, with 67,439 Chinese, or more than 40%. Mr. Son said, “Because it is much easier to enter a Korean university than a Chinese university, more Chinese come to Korea to obtain a degree.” Another Chinese student said, “If you have a Korean university diploma, you can get help when you return to Korea and become a Korean language instructor or enter the media field through the success of K-content.

“The qualification requirements for foreign students should be strengthened… Respond sternly when caught.”

A post about wanting substitute attendance that was posted in a chat room of a group of Chinese international students last March.  Provided by readers, SNS capture

A post about wanting substitute attendance that was posted in a chat room of a group of Chinese international students last March. Provided by readers, SNS capture

In March, there was also a post asking for someone who can attend on the same day in a chat room of a group of Chinese international students.  Provided by readers, SNS capture

In March, there was also a post asking for someone who can attend on the same day in a chat room of a group of Chinese international students. Provided by readers, SNS capture

In order to prevent proxy classes, there is an argument that the qualification requirements for international students should be strengthened. This is because there are students who find it difficult to understand the class and eventually give up and take substitute classes. The Ministry of Education recommends that only students with Korean proficiency level 3 or higher on the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) be selected to prevent indiscriminate attracting foreign students. TOPIK level 3 is ‘a level where there is no difficulty in daily life’. The director of planning at a private university in Seoul said, “It is difficult to keep up with the major classes of universities conducted in Korean at the level of TOPIK level 3.”

Song Ki-chang, a professor at Sookmyung Women’s University, said, “From the point of view of domestic universities experiencing financial difficulties, there is an aspect that focuses only on attracting quantitative international students as a realistic limitation, failing to properly manage quality.” As such, it is necessary to strengthen the selection and qualification management of international students.”

As the number of foreign students not only in China but also in other countries is increasing, there are also orders that a firm response is needed in case of being caught taking substitute courses. Yang Jeong-ho, professor at Sungkyunkwan University, said, “The number of students not only from China but also from Vietnam, the Philippines, and Cambodia is increasing. It is necessary to take decisive action at the government level, and each school should sufficiently notify international students of the illegality of proxy classes and the punishment measures when discovered.”

Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min minn@joongang.co.kr

Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min [email protected]

Universities should systematically support international students

Even among Chinese students, there are voices calling for strict attendance management. A Chinese student studying at a private university in Seoul said, “There are more international students who study hard, but I am concerned that the actions of some students will underestimate the efforts of all Chinese students.” Academic achievement and satisfaction will also increase.”

Bae Sang-ryul, a senior researcher at the Korea Youth Policy Institute, said, “Even international students who come to Korea with genuine enthusiasm may fall into the temptation of taking substitute courses or even give up their studies because they encounter realities such as language and friendship when they come to Korea. He said, “Korean universities should not use Chinese students as a ‘money-making tool’, but should pay more attention to them as affiliated students and provide systematic support.”

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2023-05-19 20:00:02

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